Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Had the disengagement happened in any other way , it would have been worth sending all his army , Normans included , crashing through the trees to clean them out while the fighting-power was still in them and Siward 's troops were disorganised by the sudden descent of the cavalry .
2 People were buying her drinks ; she was lifting her glass in time with the others , banging on the tables like they did .
3 Another time he painted a scene of the angel appearing to the shepherds to tell them of the Nativity .
4 I woke Laura , then shouted on the guys to waken them .
5 On the other hand , two other cases involving individuals seeking asylum in foreign embassies were resolved by the authorities allowing them to leave the country .
6 He was always quick to appreciate her thoughts , Jenna noted uneasily , and the excellent company soon came threading through the tables to join them .
7 These groups , like all élites , have no previous perception of themselves as belonging to the troublesome classes , and it does not do for the police to remind them that the application of control can be redirected depending on who is defining the ‘ illegalities ’ .
8 Relieving arches are incorporated into the walls to reinforce them and concentrate the load on to the eight massive piers .
9 She appealed to the Teachers to give them their support in every way possible .
10 ‘ I wo n't have to talk to the players to motivate them .
11 A treaty was agreed in 1490 , although a concession was made to the Venetians to exempt them from the Staple .
12 This is not done by the owners challenging them , or punishing them physically , but simply by making them earn all their privileges .
13 The single queen stays on the comb , laying eggs in the cells that have been built by the workers to receive them .
14 Meanwhile the canal and stream are drained and every hour 7,000 gallons of brook water is pumped around the arches leaving them dry and workable .
15 There have been few new diplomatic moves though in Baghdad today , meanwhile the families of two women shown in a video recorded in Kuwait , are pleading with the Iraqis to let them bring their newly born children home .
16 McShane , one of the driving forces behind the Hunger Marches of the 1930s , and Milligan , a founder member of the British Communist Party , hid in a pub and downed a few pints until a party of workers arrived from the Gorbals to rescue them .
17 ‘ The roof has leaked for a year , ’ John said , ‘ and I had to cover over the electrics to protect them from the rain .
18 In many other places in the New Testament the Spirit who was active in the prophets is promised to the Christians to guide them , but always that guidance centres upon Jesus in whom the truth of God took personal form .
19 By precisely how much we shall see when we come to look at the attempts to sell them to private investors .
20 A lawyer speaking for the families said they would be appealing against the Place of Safety orders , and that the appeal would be heard the following day in Kirkwall Sheriff Court .
21 The temperature is bitterly cold , the chamber is filled with freezing fog , and drifting towards the adventurers to surround them come the soul pupae .
22 What do you think of that ? ’ and when Jess stayed quiet , she sighed , moving towards the books to touch them with loving fingers .
23 Prince Saud al-Feisal , the Foreign Minister , has been calling upon the MPs to urge them to put the future of their country before any factional ambitions .
24 IN THE ancient fable the frogs called on the gods to give them a king .
25 Jeannie — ’ They kissed again and then he was gone , running after the uplanders to catch them at Camserney mill .
26 probably the men who worked in the cisterns used them as a means of travelling from one side of the cavern to the other .
27 A distinction drawn the previous day by Law and Order Minister Adriaan Vlok , who pointed out that the UDF was subject to restrictions but not formally banned , was dismissed by the UDF on Jan. 18 as a " play on semantics " ; moreover , the UDF had decided simply to disregard the restrictions , rather than apply to the authorities to have them lifted .
28 Lunch and all refreshments provided to the clients costs them £1.00 .
29 Yet he was also obstinate , even perverse ; his translations would have been less likely to have been seized by the authorities had they not been accompanied by the contentious marginal comments .
30 If 70,000 dared to go on the streets feeling they might be beaten up or worse , how many might demonstrate if that fear is removed ?
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