Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pollock C.B. regarded the power to sue for defamation with reference to certain imputations of criminal conduct to be excluded because of the inability of a corporation to commit crimes such as murder , or incest , or adultery , or corruption .
2 I accept that the law has from the first appearance of corporations , in the absence of any relevant statutory direction , considered the question of a corporation 's right to sue for defamation by reference to the nature of the corporation itself and the need for the corporation to protect its lawful activities and property .
3 However , this does not mean that they will become invalid — they will remain as evidence of achievement in their own right .
4 As for the speed of the machine I can not comment as lack of time with the machine did not allow us to perform our usual tests .
5 The tide flows strongly in favour of the populist , the valueless public library … the Library service has lost its soul and , desperately seeking some justification for its existence , veers between pop-marketing in imitation of the big chains — the McDonald 's and Burger Kings of the printed word — and trying to be a sub-branch of information processing .
6 The card has been developed through co-operation between Bank of Scotland and the University 's Development Office .
7 The disadvantage ( occasionally overwhelming ) is the capital cost , even allowing for relief in respect of interest charges and capital allowances for new buildings and other improvements .
8 That programme included the development of more accurate telescopes , together with auxiliary theories required for their use in astronomy such as those providing adequate means for allowing for refraction of light in the earth 's atmosphere .
9 Held , allowing the appeal , that the retraction by a witness in extradition proceedings of evidence previously given in the requesting state did not in itself discredit that evidence and , unless it was worthless , the magistrate was entitled to act upon it in deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal ; that , equally , a witness 's evidence was not to be automatically discredited by virtue of that witness having been an alleged accomplice of the accused ; and that the magistrate had given proper consideration to the retraction of P. 's evidence and to his being an alleged accomplice when deciding if there was sufficient evidence to justify the applicant 's committal ; that , further , since the provision in article 1 of the Treaty allowing for extradition in respect of offences ‘ committed within the territory of the requesting party ’ having been extended by article 3(2) to cover participation in extradition offences punishable by the laws of both states , the lack of evidence of the applicant 's presence in Sweden at the relevant time did not take the offences outside the ambit of the Treaty ; that under Schedule 1 to the Act of 1989 the magistrate was concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to the English crimes specified in the order to proceed and not with the jurisdiction of the Swedish court ; and that , accordingly , the magistrate had been entitled to commit the applicant ( post , pp. 846D–F , 850F — 851A , E — 852C , 853A ) .
10 The sheet explains what an NMT is ; what arrangements apply when supplying an NMT to a person not registered for VAT for removal to another EC country ; what happens if a new vehicle is to be used on UK roads before it is removed to another EC country ; and what to do if obtaining an NMT in the UK for removal to another EC country .
11 The questions we considered required that an in vivo model be developed for measurement of transit across the ileocolonic junction and colon .
12 No amount of procedural fairness could compensate for lack of knowledge of the complexities of the law .
13 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
14 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
15 It is intended for use in preparation for statutory reviews , and could form the basis for making formal plans about a child , also required under the new legislation .
16 For this purpose a ‘ ship ’ is defined as ‘ Any structure , whether completed or in the course of completion , launched and intended for use in navigation as a ship or a part of a ship ’ — Section 12 Merchant Shipping Act 1979 .
17 Not all early raids were successful and the plan to raid Bayonne failed through lack of information on beach conditions .
18 The Princesse presided at one end , while Thomas had been placed as guest of honour at the other .
19 Besides the main screen in the entrance foyer other details such as decorative keystones based upon characters in Greek mythology have been placed between bank of lift on each floor .
20 Appeal was made to the past for evidence of divine providence , current misfortune being explained as punishment for unfaithfulness to Yahweh , or God .
21 By a summons dated 16 January 1992 solicitors acting for the interim government of the Republic of Somalia applied , pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 15 , r. 6(2) , for the Republic of Somalia to be joined as plaintiff in substitution for Aleko Maritime Co .
22 Overall , little more than half of them were serious candidates put up by Fianna Fail , Fine Gael , Labour and the Progressive Democrats , and on the ballot paper they were not listed for convenience of identification in party groups ; the other candidates were outsiders .
25 defendant in belief that it was necessary to enter an appearance before a payment into court could be made was not estopped when he sought to have the case dismissed for want of prosecution on discovering that the writ had not9 been served .
26 Seventy-two per cent of those who had previously worked were currently unemployed as a direct result of their heroin use : 17 were dismissed for continual lateness and/or absenteeism ; two were dismissed for theft from work to finance their habit ; two lost their jobs when they were imprisoned for burglary or possession of heroin ; one was dismissed after two years of illness related to his drug use ; and one went bankrupt trying to support his habit .
27 Le Monde of Sept. 29 quoted Djohar as alleging that Mohamed Taki Abdoulkarim , whom he had dismissed as head of government on July 4 [ see p. 38996 ; for his appointment in January 1992 see pp. 38706-07 ] , was behind the Sept. 26 coup attempt .
28 Knowles was replaced by Perry Christie , who had been dismissed as Minister of Tourism in 1984 [ see p.33401 ] and subsequently elected as an independent MP .
29 He was dismissed as Minister of Justice by Banda in 1964 .
30 A month after the wedding , he had lost the municipal election at Shoreditch and been dismissed as Director of Propaganda by Mosley .
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