Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] [conj] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 Raima 's appeal is to technical users writing complex applications rather than the packaged market , and Unix sales now account for 20% or so of business in the UK .
2 Packaging and industrial adhesives account for $300m or so of sales , and the packaging markets are intensely regional .
3 It is a system where a reasonably educated person would have heard of Homer but never of Kalidas , of Ibsen but rarely of Tagore , of Joan of Arc but not of the Rani of Jhansi ( another woman who took arms to try to drive the British out of her country ) , of Goethe but not of his contemporary the great Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib .
4 ‘ And there is the possibility of intertrading between members as well of course . ’
5 One would no more apply the word pretty to the boy than to her , but here one can speak of charm and surely of beauty ; and these qualities are in great part achieved by the tilt .
6 Despite the appearance of other books ( e.g. Statham , 1977 ) that follow the approach used by Carson and also of excellent illustrations of research benefits to be realized by this method ( e.g. Prior , 1977 ) there is still considerable potential for development in this direction .
7 We do not find after or , , so that for example ‘ sullen ’ must be pronounced , ‘ Christian ’ as ( though this word may be pronounced with plus or instead of ) and ‘ pigeon ’ as .
8 Erm European liberalism is based upon , is based upon context as well of secularism .
9 All her joy drained away like water spilled on sand as instead of Penry Vaughan 's tall , broad-shouldered figure she came face to face with the woman who 'd once been his wife .
10 She thought of Nick and then of Stephen .
11 Professor Plop and the Timemachine , he made a timemachine , went to Egypt and instead of having Tuten Khamoun in headdress he had Tuten Khamoun in headphones .
12 Firemouths think about breeding when upwards of 2″ .
13 Beyond this , especially as one proceeds into issues of criminology and penology , account must be taken of psychology and arguably of medical science .
14 It would appear that edited departmental lists only accounted for £800 or so of the total allocation .
15 but of course erm as a sort of public to the er , er a gesture to the public erm but one stage during the war when things were getting a bit grim on the war front , it was decided that erm , we should work extra hours as erm , to show that we were pulling our weight , so we used to , instead of starting at nine o'clock until erm half past five , and working on Saturdays as well of course , erm , we had to start at half past eight and finish at six and it was a bit of a fiasco really because nobody erm , you know , well the end of the half past five you were pretty well tired out so erm the rest of the time
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