Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [be] [verb] with some " in BNC.

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1 The straight lines on the charts may be over-simplified , therefore , and would need to be treated with some caution .
2 The information has to be treated with some caution .
3 A clear , bright hue , phthalocyanine green , has to be used with some caution due to its high tinting strength , although it has many mixing applications .
4 Martin Fleischmann , Fellow of the Royal Society of London , Britain 's most prestigious scientific society through whose halls had walked Isaac Newton and Ernest Rutherford , held up a fist-sized tube and said ‘ This experiment has to be approached with some caution . ’
5 Break-even charts are relatively simple to produce , but this simplicity itself may lead to an over-simplified statement of a situation , and needs to be treated with some caution .
6 It needs to be studied with some form of magnification to be able to appreciate its full beauty .
7 Some of these may not be changes for the better and deserve to be treated with some suspicion : the tendency to de-humanise the author-function ; the license offered to slipshod architects of style to pinch and pastiche without mercy and the insinuation of academic jargon into criticism and production .
8 The body itself was late medieval , not wrapped in cerecloth but in a long linen shift with a narrow hem of lace ; the features were discernible , though bald , whilst the ‘ inside of the body seemed to be filled with some substance which rendered it very hard . ’
9 There are some remarkable examples of genuine healing , but increasingly these are seen to be linked with some inner process involving a drive to self-healing .
10 Given that the problem of teenage smoking needed to be tackled with some urgency at that time ( and still does ) , such a course of action was understandable .
11 Many more sophisticated inductivists would not wish to be associated with some of the characteristics of my naive inductivism .
12 Mr Lyle 's neighbours at Beaumanoir contrive , despite its size , to make it seem intimate and domestic by creating the ‘ lived-in look ’ ( which Jane Austen appears to be describing with some scepticism in Persuasion ) :
13 Indeed , adaptation often seems to be compared with some assumed saintly lifestyle and , as social services clients are often closely scrutinized , their short-comings are manifest .
14 I would follow her around the house , clinging on to her skirt , unwilling to let her out of my sight , and demanding to be fed with some small token such as an apple or a piece of bread .
15 She sank back into her extremely comfortable seat and , as Ace picked up a magazine to read , undid her attaché case and took out , it had to be admitted with some deliberate ostentation , notes on high-tech fuel consumption .
16 Such assertions have to be viewed with some scepticism .
17 These results have to be treated with some caution because of the small numbers of subjects involved ( though most studies have this limitation ) and the weaker effects for conditions ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) .
18 Arguments about competition in the printing trade have to be treated with some caution .
19 For this reason , the diaries of prominent politicians , such as those of Richard Crossman or Harold Wilson , have to be read with some scepticism , as they tend to be self-justificatory .
20 ‘ They have to be associated with some much higher doses . ’
21 These perspectives on the urban problem — many of which have emerged from neo-Marxist debate — need to be treated with some caution .
22 The official government figures need to be treated with some caution .
23 If changes in detected crime levels need to be monitored with some scepticism , the real rate of crime is also problematic because of unrecorded crime .
24 Very low-calorie diets need to be undertaken with some kind of supervision , and are usually best suited to anyone with more than two stones to lose .
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