Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At my local bookshop , called Ex Libris , in the Shambles at Bradford on Avon , ’ Kington writes , ‘ the man who looks after it once confided to me that his favourite browsing book when no customers were around was Desert Island Lists , which contained the records and books and luxuries chosen by everyone who had been on the programme in the Roy Plomley era .
2 Léonie lifted up the wooden flap and peered into what always seemed to her like a bird-house in which they might find golden eggs .
3 We have not come to you before to ask for people , but we are asking for people now .
4 If the Americans accepted that the Israel-Palestine problem was insoluble , at least for now , they could concentrate on what really matters to them in the Middle East .
5 Luxury-goods sales are falling precisely when lots of new competitors , attracted by what once looked like easy business , are jumping into the market .
6 Miss Blagden duly took the wretched gun and it was she who was kind enough to write on delivering it : — I found your husband very well , Wilson , and as expected by you much agitated over the rumours that another concerted effort is to be made to free and unite his country which subject I may say engages the minds and hearts of his employers hardly less .
7 Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation , political repression , malnutrition and ecological crisis .
8 He could think of nothing less suited to him , and the job went instead to his colleague at the Home Office , David Mellor , who subsequently pipped him to the Cabinet .
9 ( In all honesty I did n't really think that she would want to flick elastic bands but I could n't think of what else to rhyme with ‘ hands ’ . )
10 Thirty-one mosaics are listed below which together account for almost all significant remains of fourth century mosaic in the north east .
11 If the same duty was owed to those from within as to those from without the area , the adoption of criteria for selection which distinguished between them plainly conflicted with the express statutory duty laid down by section 6(5) .
12 ‘ People who had their money in high-interest accounts are looking for something else to do with it .
13 But remember I depend upon you fitly to provide for her …
14 The same adjectives which had applied to everything else applied to the flat .
15 However , Tess began to find that the cows which came to her usually happened to be her favourites .
16 I became at once possessive about it … there was already talk about the war ending and Sadler 's Wells reopening and it seemed to me entirely fitting for the Sadler 's Wells Company to reopen the theatre at Rosebery Avenue after the war with a new opera by a leading young English composer .
17 However , if these observations can be made by somebody just passing through the service , surely something is wrong .
18 I 'm not sure , but I just thought , I 'm just paying for someone else to go on that holiday .
19 The director had probably taken a room for her there tonight assuming she 'd look for something more suited to her purse in her own time .
20 There was little demand from local trade unions and the Divisional Committee appears to have been only modestly active , probably because where well-established trade union organisations had members interested in educational opportunities , links between them already existed through the WEA branch organisation and were especially effective in Northamptonshire , Bedford , Luton and Ipswich .
21 Nor would it have been possible to ask , nor even to rely on any information which might have been forthcoming , since Amabel , who always retired to bed for the duration of her own " monthly curse " had said nothing more to the point than , " Darling , I must beg of you never to speak of this to anyone , when Gemma at the age of fourteen had first seen evidence of hers .
22 They shook hands outside the sentry room , where the Substitute had a taxi called and got into it still smiling at the Marshal 's deadly serious remark .
23 She turned to him sharply looking across the table : ‘ A minute , Doctor .
24 The situations envisaged by that subsection seem to me well illustrated by Bank of England v. Riley [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 840 , which was dealing with the same words in another section of the same Act .
25 This was perhaps the most directly inflationary aspect of Pitt 's financial management , and the bridging of the gap between income and expenditure was not helped by his stubbornly sticking to the idea of the Sinking Fund .
26 And yet much of what we know of him today comes from Ireland .
27 The range will compete with one already produced by ICI , but General Motors wants Du Pont to supply a coolant for its 1994 cars .
28 A campaign , supported by well known people outside the trade union movement , is planned for next week , separate from one already launched by the unions and another started yesterday by the TUC .
29 It may indicate that the design is based on one traditionally associated with that name , but the dealer may simply be trying to make the rug seem more interesting by calling it something other than just " Chinese " .
30 We can perhaps only guess at what exactly lay behind such incidents , although these kinds of details begin to add up to something more than a fringe resentment of the police by a marginal ‘ criminal element ’ .
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