Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 You just have n't heard about it because you 've been too busy . ’
2 Then he told me to wait for him after I had visited my father , and said that he would try to think of a way to help me without arousing any suspicion .
3 She was n't to wait for him if she had anything else to do .
4 Also hanging on the back of the door was the hot water-bottle that his Mum filled for him when he had tonsilitis .
5 Educational technology is a theory and a set of hypotheses ; it is a habit of mind , and a readily applicable methodology ; it is far too early to claim for it that it has a large body of accepted practice .
6 To cheer himself up , the guard asked about us and what had brought us to Egypt .
7 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
8 We used to , we , that 's all the as the village life was , it was it was all very now I know it 's very interesting , my daughter wants me to write a book about it , she says , I said I 'll oh I do n't know mm , write a memoirs mum she said er , you know and I said you know a lot about New Invention , which I do but it 's Willenhall you 're interested in , but it all sort or entails the lot and erm there might be things I 've can I wish I 'd have told you if I can think about them after it 's finished , but it 's erm .
9 Not just because of what you 've said , that wetted our appetite , that intrigued us , that aroused our curiosity , but we believe it because we have seen and heard for ourselves and we 've recognized his authority .
10 ‘ All they 'll know is that I am escorting a companion who is totally irresistible , and they 'll fall for you as I have . ’
11 But I , I really do apologize about it but she has done it erm
12 I do n't know about you but I have a hard time believing that .
13 Well , for one thing , he did n't know about it and I had made a conscious decision that if I was ever to be ( he nearly says ’ become someone ’ ) .
14 My daughter also did n't know about it till she had it in school .
15 Yet again the business of running the hotel had come between them when they had something important to sort out .
16 And how were any suitable people going to know about it when he had no phone , or no phone that worked , and Mary Gage had probably forgotten all about this Bella ?
17 and it 's not been funny at all , he 's laughing about it but I 've had to cope with it
18 I have actually used water that 's come off it and I 've also had er sheds with plants growing underneath and I ca n't honestly remember , I mean I have obviously not used it on really sensitive plants like tomatoes which I think would show signs of stress .
19 But how many of these companies forget about you once you 've signed on the dotted line .
20 She had been aching for him since she had first seen him straddling that bike with such lazy arrogance .
21 The slow discovery of her body sent waves of longing coursing through her until she had to close her eyes and bite her lip .
22 So I 've looked after myself but I 've worked hard as well because I like a certain lifestyle and it costs a fair amount to sustain .
23 He had looked after her since she had come here .
24 It added : ‘ On average water services cost each household 46p a day for delivering 840 pints of water and safely disposing of it after it has been used .
25 We have a fox that lives near us and I have spent many a night and a morning watching it frolicking and jumping about and it breaks my heart to think that many of its kind are suffering death at its worst .
26 To help him communicate with people outside his own environment , a card system was devised by the physiotherapist , speech therapist and Stanley himself : a series of cards carried messages covering the various situations he would normally be in , with the explanation on the reverse side , ‘ My name is Stanley , and I am unable to communicate with you because I have had a stroke . ’
27 They may ask the husband to say how he feels , then question the wife about that answer , checking with him if she has understood his meaning in the right way .
28 But do n't sort of back away from them try and to , to work with them cos you 've got ta , you 've got ta get the two , the two together .
29 His hand had reached for her and a sigh of relief at finding her had come from him and she had turned deeply into his arms to let him hold her there .
30 I to you young men because you are strong and the word of God lives in you and you have overcome the evil one .
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