Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [subord] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In a moment I will produce the recipe — and please , will readers do their best to suspend disbelief until they have tried it ? — but one of the main points about this recipe is that it taught me ( for after all , one does not buy lobsters all that often ) that anisette is , improbably but incontrovertibly , a quite magical ingredient in fish dishes and sauces .
2 I invariably gain weight if I 've eaten rice the evening before because it retains water and is often served with spicy food which is dehydrating .
3 As she stared into her bemused eyes , he slowly smiled , and in that moment she would have committed murder if he 'd asked her to .
4 The kind of language game in which we talk about ‘ the back of ’ something is one in which that expression has meaning because it has evolved out of all kinds of activity in which ‘ backs ’ exist and can be shown to exist , because verified either by our own movement through space-time or by that of other persons , or both .
5 And this Mr was so taken aback , by me going in and asking for a job , and they 'd always advertised in the paper before , that he said , Well , she must want work if she 's gone after it .
6 I think he was nonplussed when I did but , after all , I 'm usually given lunch when I 've preached .
7 Overweight people , particularly the heavily overweight , rarely stop eating until they have finished everything on the plate .
8 She occasionally did style her hair that way and , since she had never so much as dreamt of meeting Ven when she 'd purchased her black dress , no one could suggest that she had bought it with him in mind .
9 Thus it is that some of the Khans may perceive influence where I have exerted none . ’
10 Could do love cos I 've got ta get er Karen 's er card .
11 She was at the rectory kitchen door a week later , meeting Rose as she had promised , for tea with her ma and a trip up West in the evening .
12 If someone has offered you free riding on their horse they are not going to appreciate finding their yard covered in droppings and scattered with grooming kit after you have left , or that you abandoned a sweaty horse without seeing to it after you have ridden .
13 The second point is that , in the Hedley Byrne case , the bank providing the advice was able to escape liability because it had printed a clear disclaimer on the information excluding legal responsibility for the advice .
14 The mount for the .50 calibre machine-gun was still on the vehicle but the malais had found a use for the Browning elsewhere , I think because they also used the jeep to drive foreign journos around and it would have vitiated the claims to have pacified Danu if they 'd left it on .
15 I do like cooking if I 've got time to do it properly .
16 A strict analogy with judicial review would perhaps give the decision-maker a power ( and a duty ) to award compensation after it had re-made its decision , if it turned out that the applicant had suffered loss as a result of the initial illegal decision ( although there are difficulties in this solution which we will consider in a moment ) .
17 The initiative in budgetary matters rests mainly with the president , but , once he has submitted his proposals , they can not become law until they have obtained Congressional approval .
18 I came to motor sport after I 'd qualified as an architect and gained a business degree , ’ he told her curtly .
19 The statute imposed on a woman seeking an abortion a 24-hour waiting period after she had received the information stipulated by the law .
20 Similarly shops will often only report shoplifting when they have apprehended the culprit .
21 Well , we 've not got consistency when you 've got different rules for Apex , different rules for CAT , different rules for , different rules for the public services .
22 As well as setting up a register the Act will eventually make it illegal for people to handle food until they have taken a basic food hygiene certificate .
23 I 'm heading Stateside when I 've done my bit in London .
24 You say that I need to discuss copy when I 've got there if you 've got copy if they 've had full colour before then they will have bromides and separations and things like
25 You say that I need to discuss copy when I 've got there if you 've got copy if they 've had full colour before then they will have bromides and separations and things like
26 This does not refer to measuring effectiveness as we have defined it .
27 It 's such , such a time wasting procedure when you 've got to take things back .
28 It will also detect reinfection when it has occurred .
29 We have only to look at the animal kingdom ; a creature in the wild will never overeat and , even if it has had to put effort into the hunting and killing of its prey , it will stop eating when it has had enough and walk away from the food .
30 Her memorable quarrel with Mrs Gamp takes place after she has expressed disbelief in the existence of Mrs Gamp 's elusive crony Mrs Harris .
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