Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Subject to the content of the replies received by the indicative offers deadline , the vendors will select a shortlist of interested parties to whom further information will be made available .
2 Another , related , charge against the players is that in their dress violations they — again like the ‘ street ’ transvestites — transgressed the natural and fixed order of things by wilfully confusing distinctions which it was thought imperative should be kept distinct , especially within the categories of rank , class , and gender .
3 I have noted your suggestion that the countryside which surrounds Queensferry should be given Green Belt status .
4 After expressing astonishment at this turn up for the book , gazing round and saying things such as ‘ By my halidom , sir knight , ’ and ‘ Gadzooks , fell work shall be done this sennight , ’ they took grimly to hewing and slaying Krooms left , right and centre by the baker 's dozen .
5 Mr Patten 's new policy guidance does not say the South-east 's housing provision can be held static , and it reminds planners that their job is to provide an adequate flow of land into new housing .
6 This common knowledge of shared experience and conventionally sanctioned reality can be called schematic knowledge : it is the knowledge which is acquired as a condition of entry into a particular culture or sub-culture .
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