Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [verb] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The warning came after a woman in Yorkshire suffered skin burns when she used a bogus packet of Blue Horizon washing powder , which contained a caustic chemical .
2 ‘ The most terribly overlooked architect of the twentieth century ’ , according to Sherri Geldin of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles , Louis Kahn 's work drew crowds of 1,200 a day in Paris and the exhibition received rave reviews when it opened .
3 We used to joke that we almost got nose bleeds when we stood up to our normal size because we spent so much time at floor level . ’
4 Tillyard , one of the foremost Milton scholars of his day , had suggested that we can only fully understand Paradise Lost when we understand the man who wrote it .
5 Individuals of many bird species give alarm calls when they spot a dangerous predator .
6 Figure 6.3 Many species of birds give alarm calls when they see a dangerous predator The particular bird giving the alarm call runs the risk of attracting the predator to itself , so the alarm calls have acoustic properties which make them difficult to locate .
7 It 's my humble belief you only did it to hurt me , oh yes , spit on the bourgeois , épater the middleclass , oh aye , get your own back on Mr Grant and me for our fitted carpets and crinoline toiletroll covers when you grew up on berr linoleum in a singelenn' in Bridgeton .
8 No doubt they also do crossword puzzles when it rains .
9 I like to go bird watching when I get the time . ’
10 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
11 They would throw the ball against a wall , do one or more twirls and still have time to catch when it came down .
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