Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] i went to " in BNC.

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1 I suppose while this is for me cos on the sponsorship issue is , would sponsorship have any impact in terms of what I might purchase so if I went to the Scottish Opera or the ballet or to the theatre and I bought a programme which I usually do and one of the things which is interesting about the evening that erm Alan and I spent last time at Scottish Council was that half the people attend Scottish Opera buy a programme and the programmes that I have sponsored always .
2 This happened just before I went to the first gay liberation meeting in London .
3 We had a very impromptu meal which was brought out from somewhere near Bahrain because our landing area was in a small offshore sand strip where the Nos 55 and 84 Squadron aircraft ( also a Valentia from No 70 Squadron , which was our support aircraft ) were all based overnight and I went to sleep in this hot and humid place , The humidity factor at Bahrain was very high indeed , in the 90s , but I went to sleep quite comfortably on a groundsheet having dug a little hole for my not very considerable hips , weighing very little above 9 stone , and I settled down for the night .
4 I had a tremendous struggle to keep my medication the whole time I was in Holloway , and it started again when I went to Styal .
5 My posting came through and I was posted to Swordstone this side of Norwich , so I was still quids in , I could get home once a week , twenty four hour pass and then erm after a while erm , having served at Regiment , I was posted up to , as the Sergeant Artillery Clerk with the Brigade , an ack-ack brigade up at Coventry , just outside Coventry and then of course the A T S were coming in , were coming in in quite large numbers then and they were replacing male personnel and then I was posted abroad and I went to Egypt where I was there again , fortunate enough , I suppose , to go into the echelon , the second echelon which was the Records Office of all the forces or the armoured personnel in the Middle East and I worked there until I was actually demobbed from there but I was out in Egypt there for two , just over two years , came back to Northampton where I was finally demobbed and allowed to come home and as I said I came home one week and I was back at work the next .
6 Course I did ask once when I went to the family plannin for a smear .
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