Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] it be only " in BNC.

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1 The most common is the all-too-familiar cystitis — the bladder could be inflamed and JoJo may think it needs emptying even when it is only partly full , with the result that she could be effectively ‘ caught short ’ .
2 Wherever she went his eyes followed her and she wished he would speak even if it was only a harsh word .
3 I discovered later that it was only the orange squash that had been spiked with gin .
4 The level of British farming declined sharply and it was only in the first decade of the twentieth century that it began to get on its feet again by shifting its emphasis to specialities like beef-fattening and vegetable-growing .
5 It speaks with an unmistakable inner city accent from the centre of a world everybody recognises even if it 's only from the headlines in The Sun — a world full of ‘ social problems ’ where all the culprits and the victims live — ‘ niggers ’ , ‘ hooligans ’ , ‘ old biddies ’ .
6 I remember an officer diving into a culvert during a raid — he thought he had been hit again but it was only a lump of mud on his seat !
7 I emphasise again that it is only the nearest worlds in which the antecedent is true that count .
8 Parts of the sequence exist elsewhere but it is only in Bratislava that you find the complete set .
9 First , a small fragment of material is removed and stuck to a glass slide ; it is then carefully ground away until it is only 0.03 mm thick .
10 I do n't really see that there 's such a dividing line , because I think if you 're a housewife and you have a beautiful milk jug , which is perhaps very simple but has lovely lines to it , I think even if it 's only subconsciously you get more pleasure out of using that than you would a rather cracked , grubby , plastic jug .
11 Seriously , though , shortcuts rarely work properly and it 's only half an hour 's work to get the job done .
12 At the same time the weight of the gold coin declined , the scale of its production was greatly reduced , and , at the end of the period , it too was debased so that it was only 70–80 per cent pure .
13 Some of the barriers I 've built up are going to be chipped away and it 's only going to take one incident and I 'm going to be stuffed .
14 See even if it 's only for the three days
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