Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] that [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 It was Neil Spencer , editor of NME , suggesting rather embarrassedly that I come and see him .
2 While pursuing a complaint through the grievance procedure is sometimes worthwhile , you do not forfeit your right to claim constructive dismissal if you have been treated so badly that you decide that raising the matter through the company 's internal procedures will not help you to achieve a fair deal .
3 You must never allow yourself to be crowded out , neither must you retreat so far that you overstep the area boundary .
4 The adoral shields are long with a straight proximal edge and widening distally so that they separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
5 ‘ People realise deep down that they have the talent to be among the best in the world .
6 I mean I 'm gon na try and give , the first two guys and er Mike who came in , they did n't do very well cos they did n't actually mention that bit and it did n't flow from then on , you 've got ta make the point , you know , did you find that er well not did you , that 's bad phraseology , I 'm sure you found this beneficial which of the areas of the five tonight actually interest you the most do that bit and then go in with the fact that you actually mentioned earlier on that you do work on a recommendation basis .
7 Even if several mouse embryos are pushed together so that they fuse and this large mass transferred back into a mother a normal mouse will still develop .
8 ‘ Records will show very shortly that we have not had a typical winter for this part of the country and that seems to be the main reason , ’ he told the environmental health committee yesterday .
9 But if Sartre anticipates such later thinkers we should not assume too quickly that they have simply taken his insights further .
10 In some rocks their shells lie so thickly that they form solid bands .
11 Everything happened so quickly that I have no very clear recollection of what actually took place .
12 Many of the animals swim so quickly that they do not stay in sight for long .
13 ‘ The widow , ’ replied Hank , with more than a trace of impatience in his voice , and then continued : ‘ And it 's selling so fast that I do n't know what to do with the money .
14 Occasionally there are situations where two techniques can be used , and there may be good reason to apply both so that they provide supporting evidence for each other ( for example , see p. 134 for the use of TL and uranium series dating at Pontnewydd Cave ) .
15 The adoral shields are long and narrow , flared distally so that they separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
16 Now I guess from the affluent audience we 've got here today that you pay more than that because you 're living in higher rated value properties I guess .
17 This will have to be calculated carefully so that you know how many stitches to cast on .
18 The right approach might possibly be along the lines of : ‘ How about the family closing ranks and getting together now that you need a little help ? ’ or ‘ Give us the pleasure of doing something for you for a change . ’
19 A recent Gallup Poll showed that 80pc of the public oppose foxhunting with 79pc objecting so firmly that they favour Parliament banning this cruelty .
20 Very common words , and particularly the short common words , are recognised so readily that we do not always look at them when reading text .
21 But I know also now that you love me .
22 You know damn well that you prefer cooking than I do !
23 It is because that fear exists that some home owners know perfectly well that they have the Government over a barrel .
24 ‘ But you know perfectly well that they have portholes , ’ retorted the officer .
25 You know perfectly well that you do n't .
26 ‘ Well , no , not when I know perfectly well that you love every minute of your life ! ’ she challenged .
27 But you know perfectly well that I support the new settlement strategy , and therefore in consequence I do support erm general limitations on the growth of settlements and expansion of settlements within the greenbelt .
28 Horses indicate quite clearly that they do not like someone , or another animal , by narrowing and pulling-up their nostrils so that wrinkles form above them .
29 And with this in mind and I 'm I 'm you will notice that I have n't spoken at all and that is quite deliberate on my part but then I can also say the same for many people sitting round here who know quite well that they have n't spoken either .
30 ‘ You know very well that I have !
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