Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] of [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 But although this burst of new direction has logically exploded out of Paris , the world 's fashion capital , the energy and creativity emerging from countries with traditionally low fashion profiles is what is truly intriguing and inspiring .
2 The rabbit is proposed The New Republic as a favourite , following an alleged investment by Perot in Rabbit Software — in actual fact , Perot Group investors did once invest in of Charles Robins ' business enterprises , but it was n't Rabbit .
3 SPIT THE PIPS , one of the most bizarre bands to have ever come out of Middlesbrough , come to Darlington tonight .
4 Now it was n't really a back pass although it did actually come off of Greyson .
5 ‘ You look ravishing — as if you 've just stepped out of Botticelli 's painting , Primavera , ’ he murmured .
6 I said , ‘ Look , you know I 've just come out of Holloway after being on remand . ’
7 I was twenty-one , I had just come out of Sweden and my eyes were like saucers .
8 The Customs men had believed she was a drug-smuggler ; Nathan had assumed she had virtually jumped out of Giles 's bed and into Clive 's .
9 So , in the winter evenings , they would draw the curtains and watch The Sound of Music or Bridge over the River Kwai and feel as though they had never moved out of Twickenham .
10 She 's just come out of Saint Mary 's did n't do as well as she thought , or everybody else hoped she would do in her A levels , so is now retaking one .
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