Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] i [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It 's to sit down with the practice manager and say right tell me about these businesses .
2 Training alone has never bothered me at all , but it 's nice to be able to go down the pub for a good chinwag after a session . ’
3 ‘ Believe me , Mrs Diggory , I have already seen enough to convince me of that ! ’
4 ‘ You 'd better take me to this Wyrmberg of yours , had n't you ? ’
5 Flying still excites me with that curious mixture of fear — knowing the plane has the aerodynamics of a brick once the forward thrust is lost — and the knowledge that at the other end of the journey there will be new sounds and smells and things to look at .
6 How could you have ever doubted me after that ? ’
7 The way he went away hurts me to this day .
8 It gave me even more of a feeling of why pick now to put me through this .
9 ‘ If you were n't Eddie 's kid sister I 'd have given you a far harder ride for what you 've just accused me of this evening , so do n't push your luck , Dr Kate Ash , because you might come to regret it ! ’
10 Marie Claire had once commended me on this negative virtue .
11 You 've probably saved me from some kind of demonic sacrifice .
12 And although I 'm not I enjoyed the piping , I enjoyed But I was not at peace I says I says , you 've even ruined me for this .
13 Taking up residence in Colchester went very well — though I was a bit surprised to find that the ‘ de-skilling ’ process mentioned by the resettlement officer had indeed affected me to some extent .
14 ‘ I took two pills that evening — they 've never affected me like that before . ’
15 My family have sometimes joined me on these camps but are mainly content to be ‘ Guiding Orphans ’ as well as ‘ Medau Orphans ’ .
16 You 've come to the end of your appointment and then suddenly to just say okay tell me about these people
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