Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] could [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I even found I could hold her head and pet her while she threw up .
2 Do you think you could change her nappy for me ?
3 I do n't believe she could keep her mouth shut .
4 ‘ Were there any in the garden ? ’ asked Taheb , wishing she could draw her hand away .
5 Fran swallowed hard , feeling the bitter taste of fear burning her throat as she stared into the man 's cold , flat eyes , wishing she could find her voice to tell him what he could do with his threats .
6 Once again he was ignoring Mitch and she felt he could read her mind .
7 The message read that she had been in the hotel that night ; that she had met David ; that a tape had been taken of the conversation ; that if he thought he could arrest her brother and charge him with murder , he should now try ; that , if he thought he could intern her whilst completely innocent , he should now try ; that several persons had listened to the conversation in the hotel that night and that one was an Ulster MP .
8 Wendy said I could borrow her dress .
9 She said I could have her tenancy . ’
10 I wish I could remember her name .
11 But they could find no food so she set out to walk to Trnopolje , where she hoped she could feed her baby .
12 She wished she could fulfil her search for this singular man from her bed , by the power of her mind alone .
13 She wished she could share her glee with Adam .
14 She wished she could take her son and Maisie 's children , and go from this place .
15 The head girl , Nikki Carmichael , who is 18 and will be participating tomorrow in the poll proper , thought he was marvellous and said he could have her vote any time .
16 She had broken the law unwittingly , but still she had broken it , and if Jake was really determined he could make her pay for it .
17 His voice as cold and hard as polished steel , Michele said , ‘ It was you who suggested I could have her eating out of my hand … ’
18 He had suggested she take up Jessica 's constant offer , considered she could do her revision on the beach or wherever , had smiled comfortably at her half-serious suggestion that Jessica might ‘ lead her astray ’ , or at least have a good go at it .
19 He had n't been thinking anything of the sort and last night he had only suggested he could settle her business for her with a phone call to the manager , whom he knew well , because he wanted to take her out today instead of waiting outside hotels for her .
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