Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] they [modal v] [vb infin] it " in BNC.

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1 People with valuable secrets ought not to allow subordinate employees … to obtain knowledge of this kind , and if they choose to do it without warning them they will find it very difficult to claim interlocutory relief successfully " .
2 they , told them they can like it or lump it and they said the miner 's strike , but she still won the election after the miner 's strike which
3 They told him they would do it their way .
4 And er if they have n't got it they 'll get it for you .
5 Simon thought it sensible and practical ‘ which is more than can be said for most of their gimmicks , but ’ he warned her , ‘ if they like it they 'll take it over as their own .
6 I suggest that we do the usual thing of passing that one round so that if anybody wants to read it they can read it .
7 They 'll loose it they 'll loose it in their system .
8 If , having chosen not to take advice , they took the same tack with the process of law once started , and thought that by ignoring it or defying it they could halt it , they were laying themselves open to an even ruder shock .
9 Well I heard what that bloke said to you last time when I went before , do n't worry , once you 've paid for it once you 've paid it they 'll sort it out from there .
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