Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] that [pers pn] 've [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hearing about Rodney 's book has reminded me that I 've got to get down to work on mine . ’
2 And they know for a fact the minute your kids grab them that you 've got to pay .
3 All I know is that there are better people in , that , are more intelligent people that are better informed about than me or you and they deemed it that we 've got something to fear against and I 'm willing to take that .
4 After that came my Marx and Schweitzer phase but I started getting greedy and wanting them all rolled into one and then somebody told me that we 've got to learn to love ourselves , so I tried that but it seemed a bit selfish .
5 Just just a And you 'd to set them right We had to set them that they 've stayed like that .
6 A look at this month 's What 's New pages will show you that we 've acknowledged the error of our ways and now include review updates on products ( plus a new product news section ) .
7 I still have n't given , that 's reminded me seeing Shona there , I , I do n't think I 've given her that pair of trousers and the sweatshirt and I told her that I 've got them .
8 Many television viewers were alarmed at the Forest boss 's ageing appearance on a BBC interview this week , and Clough admitted yesterday : ‘ My wife , Barbara , has told me that I 've got uglier and older .
9 A friend has told me that you 've satirized me thoroughly in a story and spilled some confidences about my wife .
10 My friends tell me that I 've coped really well after my divorce — I have my own home , own car , own job and manage to keep my wonderful four-year-old son as happy as can be .
11 I 'll tell you give him a ring , tell him that you 've given me his , the telephone number and he should expect that I 'll give him a call in the next week
12 Did you tell them that you 've got a you 're now living , you know ?
13 ‘ When should I tell them that you 've come back ? ’
14 Do n't tell me that you 've forgotten that . ’
15 Yes we did , we were talking about our General Election strategy and er we 've been planning some campaigning and training workshops and so on , and I can tell you that we 've selected a Green Party candidate for Oxford west for the General Election ; his name is Mike Woodin , and the process is going on to select someone for Oxford east , so there 's certainly going to be a strong Green presence in Oxford during the General Election .
16 ‘ Did n't Liz tell you that I 've written some books on the subject ? ’
17 And you need n't even tell her that you 've seen her money .
18 ‘ If you 're so busy ca n't you tell her that you 've got to stay here ?
19 And I shall inform him that I 've informed you .
20 You know , I think we 've that nobody keeps us We 've had a name over the years that we 're an expensive carrier , and it 's just sort of keep going and educating them that we 've come down in the market or ,
21 We think that these apartments are a bit of a find , and so are pleased to have them that we 've taken them up throughout the summer on an exclusive basis .
22 Try ‘ I 'm pleased that the office manning problem is on next week 's agenda — I 'm worried that it needs more urgent attention ’ or ‘ I love it that you 've asked me to go away — it 's bothering me that I 've got to do this report by Monday . ’
23 ( a ) ‘ I love it that you 've asked me — it 's bothering me that I 've got to do this report by Monday . ’
24 Try ‘ I 'm pleased that the office manning problem is on next week 's agenda — I 'm worried that it needs more urgent attention ’ or ‘ I love it that you 've asked me to go away — it 's bothering me that I 've got to do this report by Monday . ’
25 ( a ) ‘ I love it that you 've asked me — it 's bothering me that I 've got to do this report by Monday . ’
26 You 're telling me that we 've got nothing to fear from them ?
27 The sight of a word processor so terrifies me that I 've stuck rigidly to scissors and adhesive tape , while a genius of a lady in Twickenham makes sense of my appalling first drafts .
28 We should advise you that we 've endeavoured to provide the best possible cover for the most competitive premium . ’
29 We 've , I will remind you that we 've had an expression of view from Ryedale about the district factor .
30 I mean , that I should be sitting here telling you that you 've got a passionate nature , within ten minutes of meeting you … !
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