Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] that [pron] [verb] no " in BNC.

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1 To refute any groundless gossip on so important a subject I consider it necessary to inform you that I have no intention of doing so immediately .
2 ‘ You assured me that he had no amorous intentions .
3 Like many of the other female physics students , she rejected it and told me that she had no intention of continuing with physics afterwards .
4 At the start she is only so cruel as she is only Miss Havisham 's tool for revenge , and later she seems to have a little pity for Pip when she warns him that she has no heart .
5 A policeman assured her that she had no need to worry as her husband would soon be home as would the others .
6 She told him that she had no intention whatsoever ( here her voice rose in pitch ) of addressing the Party conference on any subject what-so-ever .
7 But he saw Baldwin on the Sunday morning and told him that he had no doubt that Curzon would be chosen , although his own turn would come in due course .
8 I hasten , therefore , to assure you that I have no such intention .
9 The Bishop however informed him that he had no vacancy for a chaplain — a refusal which Tyndale never forgave : in his Preface to the translation of the Five Books of Moses , where he describes the incident , there is a marginal note , ‘ Room in my Lord 's house for belly-cheer but none to translate the New Testament . ’
10 The UNHCR agreed to initiate a scheme of intensive counselling of " economic migrants " aimed at persuading them that they had no option but to return home .
11 ‘ I can assure you that I have no political motives whatsoever .
12 I can assure you that I have no intention of straying into the question of the location of the headquarters of Caledonian MacBrayne .
13 None of my previous assistants has ever suggested that I change my style of management , and I can assure you that I have no intention of starting now .
14 So that the right hon. Gentleman is in no doubt , I tell him that I have no plans to raise the top rate of tax or the level of national insurance contributions .
15 Given that series of gaffes , will he now compound his confusion and tell us that he bears no personal responsibility for the appalling slump that is devastating Britain today ?
16 I must tell you that I see no advantage to them in this situation .
17 ‘ Then let me tell you that you have no right to include me in your sordid games .
18 The foregoing review of the native authorities satisfies me that they afford no support for Woolwich 's major proposition .
19 Having met a cat , a teddy , a hen and an uncle , he finally finds a Mummy without a child and they all live hapily together until the uncle reminds him that he has no Daddy …
20 Only later , much later , when Penman knocked and asked if she would like tea , did it strike her that she had no idea why Michael Swinton had really called .
21 So what was stopping him from going to her and telling her that she had no need to worry ?
22 He then incurred the wrath of his senior officers by writing a rude letter to the Governor , telling him that he had no right to interfere in a dispute between gentlemen .
23 One , Sir Joseph Robinson , who had been convicted for fraudulent share-dealing in South Africa , was sufficiently so that the Chief Whip , F. E. Guest , was charged with calling on him in his suite at the Savoy Hotel and telling him that he had no alternative but to withdraw from the list even though his name had already been published .
24 We have reasonable grounds for detaining you on suspicion unless you can satisfy us that you had no part in the shooting . ’
25 It was in the winter time so it was full of hay but they would be very careful and we would ask them that they had no matches in case er there was no cigarettes much and that but pipes they were pipe smokers .
26 And I 'd like to know how many damned times I 'm supposed to tell you that I had no motives either ! ’
27 But in that case I must warn you that I have no heart .
28 When they arrived at Auckland Alexander asked them for the silver and his Presence was such that they did not dare to tell him that they had no silver , so Joan said that it was ‘ in the bank ’ .
29 Howard Samuel never had the courage to tell him that he had no recollection of their night-time conversation because of his post-prandial condition , so Randolph always regarded the fact that the licence had been obtained for the Labour Party as a gross breach of trust .
30 Having been Chief Secretary to the Treasury before becoming Chancellor , and Chancellor before becoming Prime Minister , is the Prime Minister really trying to tell us that he bears no responsibility whatever for the recession ?
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