Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I realized I had seen a few of these same processions on my way north through eastern Czechoslovakia , in Ovitkov and in Ostrava .
2 I suddenly realized I had made a serious mistake .
3 And Ipswich team manager Mick McGiven , Monkou 's former coach at Stamford Bridge , said : ‘ I do n't think I 've seen a better marking job on Chris . ’
4 I do n't think I think I have set a new Ashmore record .
5 I later realised I had missed a major opportunity for helping change the situation .
6 When young supporters chant ‘ We 'll be running round Pompey with our willies hanging out , singing I 've got a bigger one than you ’ , or some other scatological rhyme , slightly changed to fit the time and place , they are doing nothing new .
7 Well possibly and less likely to enjoy it , I mean I 've made a complete failure of my life , so I 'm , I 'm not and I never really enjoyed from the beginning I must say
8 Well I think well it is anyway , I mean I 've got a swollen wrist .
9 I mean I 've got a spare room
10 I mean I 've got a rough idea of what the things are
11 Anyway I mean I 've got a fair pile now to take in August ai n't I ?
12 Erm and I mean I 've had a recent bereavement , I mean I , I lost my mum at Christmas and got three days leave .
13 How did you know I 've got a sweet tooth ? ’
14 Do you know I 've had a blue pen , I 've had a black pen and now I 'm down to a bloody pencil .
15 So erm I 'm you kn I do n't propose to do that again because I would n't er I would n't arrange a speaker if we had a full table show but it 's nice to know that it did work out because we were , I was forced into a corner a little bit erm and I think it was worth it because we as I say I 've waited a long time for Danny and he was well worth listening to , I can listen to Danny for hours because he he just speaks and , and tells you about his fish , I 'm , I 'm very very fond of listening to Danny cos I think he gives a good talk .
16 You then followed me to the ticket reservation counter , chatted up the girl afterwards , found I 'd booked a Business-Class seat to Brussels , did the same yourself and waited outside the final departure lounge until you saw me boarding . ’
17 ‘ I expect you 've got a sore throat , ’ the boy said .
18 He said , ‘ I expect you 've got a busy day tomorrow , ( as a hint to the guest that he should go to bed ) .
19 Yeah ya but as I think , as I say she 's got a few things to do today , sh near the oven Ann .
20 Whereas I mean , , if you sort of give the criticism first and say the wrong area is that , and then finish it off with the praise , they know where they stand , and when you come up to them and say you 've done a superb job , they 're not just sitting back , thinking oh yes , what 's coming next .
21 Well because if , if we got , if we say you 've got a certain number of members of staff , and each full time equivalent offers you two hundred and twenty two point eight working days a year .
22 I have to say I am amazed to find you have called a special meeting of the Politburo over a simple kidnapping . ’
23 If I found you 'd won a hundred thousand pound I 'd kidnap you !
24 But how come you 've got a negative ?
25 How come you 've got a decent chef ? ’ he asked Amiss , who at that moment entered the room .
26 Now let's keep the force the same , say we 've got a Mini engine providing us , just running it steady at three thousand R P M. Pushing out the same amount of force , keep the force the same , this time we put a smaller mass , we 've got a Mini engine and you 've put it on your pushbike .
27 Sidney , do you know they 've got a hundred and ten golf courses .
28 And then he just never went to school and they maintained they 'd got a private .
29 We were looking forward to some exercise of rowing , but typically when we arrived , we found they had prepared a gondola-like craft ( of a kind emperors used to go in ) on which we were meant to sit and be gently punted around while we sedately drank tea .
30 Both Mike and Brian say they 've gained a great deal …
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