Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] be [adv] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 it 's in thingy , I did n't want I was just checking and the
2 And 6 per cent — mostly elderly — say they are totally baffled and can not use their recorders at all .
3 He says they 're highly organized and work in small groups .
4 Industrial tribunals as we heard yesterday from Ian have decided they were wrongly dismissed and that indicates the standard of the union locally but poses the question of why it was impossible for our officials , from the General Secretary downwards , to effect any influence whatsoever on the attitude of Liverpool City Council .
5 Come on look at her yeah , she 's got a really good figure , she 's not ugly she 's got a good er I mean she 's really tanned and that , they like that and she 's really cocky is n't she and she wo n't take any shit from anyone
6 It shows she was unjustly treated and I think that society is wrong to judge ; if she has broken a bond made by God , then he should be the only one to reprimand her for it .
7 As I told the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus and the ‘ Sporting Mauve ’ , the game went precisely to plan , yet they claimed we were totally outplayed and only secured victory because by the last quarter the ‘ five Chamden heroes ’ were completely knackered .
8 But because he told MI5 and MI6 what they wanted to hear he was automatically believed and suitably rewarded .
9 Ormanroyd he 's still going and still the shot blocked Agnew has his shot blocked as well .
10 you know I 'm still struggling and we were having a laugh , but the others who had him last term , said he was brilliant , because he actually combines work individually
11 But she was er she was like a broody hen with us you know she was forever watching and looking and making sure we were alright .
12 When there is the experience of acceptance like this within a marriage , when you know you are truly loved and accepted , then there is the possibility of change and growth .
13 Monetary policy , they argue , providing it is carefully designed and executed , can control the money supply .
14 Once a routine becomes boring it is soon forgotten and its benefits are lost .
15 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
16 In part that might be explained in terms of the powers of resistance possessed by the bureaucracies under attack , so that whatever change is proposed it is soon absorbed and reinterpreted by the very groups it is intended to undermine .
17 President , Congress , the C E C does not lightly bring forward a motion which limits the right of appeal , but in these very special circumstances we feel it is both justified and necessary .
18 ‘ I THOUGHT I was still standing and then I realised I was on the floor . ’
19 We thought you were long gone and far away .
20 A task has high structure when the goal and the methods of achieving it are well understood and agreed upon — see Chapter 10 , Objective Setting .
21 I said I thought it was already done and the form was sent away .
22 I was quite surprised to see he was wide eyed and quite awake when when he came to my flat .
23 Well , er , what do you suppose , I think we 're probably try and so that 's possible , I mean
24 Eventually she escaped , by means of a message for help hidden in a twist of tweed yarn , but she and the Catholic priest who agreed to assist her were both intercepted and imprisoned on another remote island where Lady Grange died .
25 I think they 're fantastically advanced and mature because they do n't have radios .
26 His warm hand sliding down to clasp hers was both comfort and torture .
27 Tony Curtis was standing next to me so I said I was there to try and collect money from Mr Curtis .
28 She said she 's always complaining and criticising it 's quite funny though but there you go .
29 THE woman juror whose looks prompted a man to wolf-whistle at her in court yesterday said she was secretly flattered and took it as a compliment .
30 She had n't last time I , cos we were talking about er when I say talking I do n't mean nastily but the last time I saw Janet I asked after Wendy and she said she was still working and enjoying her job and the children were growing up and she did n't mention any other children so cos her husband works away a lot of the year does n't he ?
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