Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [v-ing] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 I explained the situation , after she found me jerking about on the bed one afternoon .
2 One morning , Santa found him lying down on the snow , staring at a dead flower with tears dropping off his little cheeks .
3 The bank 's ethics code prevented it cashing in on the bonanza reaped by others from the pound 's departure from the European exchange rate mechanism last September .
4 ‘ Can you honestly see him making out on the Island ? ’
5 I mean , you could see it going up on the hill above you .
6 I met her sitting out on the bench where Michael Willis always sat , water-gazing .
7 So if you cut your toenails do n't leave them lying around on the floor , do n't make too much noise if you have to use the slop bucket at night and if you 're a shit-stabber then I 'll tell you now , my arsehole is n't for rent .
8 He raises it over his head and brings it crashing down on the back of the man 's head ; once , twice , three times .
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