Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You may have recollections of taking a long time to achieve competence in one particular skill , and wonder whether on returning you will be given adequate time to practise and revise .
2 Britain 's role as Kingston described it could be called that of a peace-keeping force , and his stones of intrigue and skirmish are punctuated by anti-war sentiments .
3 For any economic system to work and survive it must be considered legitimate .
4 Given the composition of Council , it is likely that only the DTI stands in the way of adoption of this proposal : if it is adopted , I hope we will be spared further sanctimonious claims to the high ground by the Institute , and that it concedes it is operating predominantly in the interests of ( some of ) its members .
5 The debtor may then ( with the court 's approval ) make a composition or scheme of arrangement with his creditors ; but if this is not done he will be adjudicated bankrupt , and the whole of his property ( not including property of which he is himself a trustee , or — up to the value of £250 — the tools of his trade and the necessary clothing and bedding of himself and his family ) will vest in the ‘ official receiver ’ ( a public officer ) or some other trustee , and become divisible among his creditors who prove their debts .
6 For failing to report you 'll be fined twenty pounds and your licence will be endorsed and for failing afford precedence on the pedestrian on a zebra crossing you 'll be fined ten pounds .
7 Yet who 'd have thought I 'd be given another chance like this ? she thought .
8 When a DC is AGREED it can be made ACTIVE using option 2.4.0 — Activate DCs ( assuming a DC is not currently active on any of the modules via a different package ) .
9 When a DC is AGREED it can be made ACTIVE using option 2.4.0 — Activate DCs ( assuming a DC is not currently active on any of the modules via a different package ) .
10 ‘ We are virtually prisoners here , my brother and I. Once we are confined in the Garden Tower and Denby is banished from our service , I fear we shall be denied all contact with the outside world .
11 I remember I would be told infantile stories , altogether appropriate to my infantile station .
12 And inevitably : ‘ I know you must be asked this all the time but this one is really different — you 'll love it — it 's a ball to raise money for … ’
13 Oh Jamaica you know it 'll be cost dearer to get there wo n't it ?
14 ‘ They have , you might say , short take off and landing , and once it is landed it can be made airborne again by simply taking one step back and tugging .
15 Thamesdown Council fears it could be held liable if the alarm batteries failed and somebody died .
16 When the last trump sounds and I stand before the Lord our God and am judged I will be found wanting and know not what to do .
17 If the rocks in your tank suffer from all-smothering algae I have found they can be kept clear by scrubbing off the algae then putting them in the oven or under the grill until they are thoroughly dry .
18 At least 40 schools opted out because they were threatened with closure , and most believe they would be shown little mercy .
19 But we are aware that many ex-shipyard workers are engaged in some very routine work , and that many of them feel they could be made redundant at any moment .
20 If wax is n't causing problems then doctors advise it should be left alone .
21 In all cases where the Speedboat Clause applies it should be given careful consideration as it does limit the extent of cover appreciably .
22 But did , did you hear he might be made redundant ?
23 I do n't think they should be allowed that .
24 It is a remarkable turnaround for the ex-Blues ' star , who never dreamed he would be offered such a lucrative post , having suffered so much frustration in the domestic game .
25 Charman felt it should be split four ways between each band member , but Gedge thought he should have most of it because he had actually written the songs .
26 Mark Evans said it was a night of madness and thought he 'd be killed next .
27 I do n't think he should be treated any differently from the other horses .
28 Although a second group of trucks was allowed over the river by the Serbs yesterday , UN officials fear it may be halted short of its destination .
29 Mummy , you must be mad if you think I would be seen dead in a yellow frock !
30 If you think I 'd be seen dead in that you must be mad .
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