Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [modal v] do [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I realized I could do an act based on what it is like to be me .
2 Why do I think I can do the job better than the other applicants ?
3 No , oh I do n't think I could do the travelling now that I used to do , but er
4 Mm No that 's er making me jolly cross , not like myself I do n't do anything like , not as much as I used to do at the hall , I mean I used to do a lot as you know , but I , I know how much you have done , but nobody else knows
5 But I have n't got I could n't at this stage say I could do a tap next year .
6 After all , the body contains more collagen than any other protein : it should be no surprise that protecting it could do a lot of good .
7 Reflecting on his day out against Dublin he said : ‘ That day it seemed I could do no wrong .
8 S you could do you could do a hexagon this way actually draw a hexagon .
9 But the brothers believed they could do no wrong .
10 ‘ Did n't think she could do a thing like that ?
11 … I do n't think you can do the job basically , in an office .
12 Well I mean you could do a bit of both , I do n't see why you ca n't sort of start out with some general stuff about whether
13 I said to Celia how many she thinks she can do a day , she thinks about two thousand , depending on what she 's doing .
14 According to her she was convinced that Francis would inherit and dispose of the business , but she might have thought she could do a deal with Beryl .
15 ‘ But I do n't believe he done it , I do n't believe he could do a thing like that and her with a babby inside of her . ’
16 The sergeant nodded , deciding it could do no harm to concede a point he had already taken .
17 ‘ Sister , do n't you think we ought to do an EEG ?
18 but whether we want at the end of it to have another water seminar , looking instead of extraction side but what the water companies are doing with our rivers it might not be a bad idea as part of er producing a considered view later on in the year but I do n't , I do n't think we can hurry this as there 's a lot of lessons to be learnt and I I do n't think we should do the work in the Fire and Public Protection Committee erm in getting our erm eyes taken off the dealing with the actual problem at the moment , we want to look , step , step back and say well what what was the cause of all that , but I do support erm proposal that we should have it listed as er
19 you know I 'll do a copy in braille
20 Well I 'll do a I know I 'll do a Christmas section then , right ?
21 I know I can do the job but I do n't want to put pressure on the board .
22 I know I could do the job , but
23 One minute you discovered you could do a falsetto , the next that there was a reason why a woman had given you a sweet .
24 Mosquito net mending you know we used to do a lot in Nottingham .
25 Many women resist swapping jobs because they know they could do a job a lot better or quicker themselves , or because they are frightened of ‘ having a go ’ at traditional male jobs .
26 Er it would be some of the bodies I think oh er wait a minute I 'm trying to think what the casting were be used for there were other things besides locks you see I forget what they the , I know they used to do the castings and the brass castings it would be for the locks , for the locks yeah
27 And yet another client of mine who 's a teacher , she said oh yeah she said it 's lovely , she said I suppose I ought to do the marking and all that at the beginning she said but I leave it , she said , and I sometimes do it in the last week .
28 I reckon I could do a job like that .
29 Well well I suppose we could do the card could n't we ?
30 I reckon we can do the Arse tonight , but my prediction is 0–0 ( always close ) .
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