Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [conj] i [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'll have to forgive me but I 've never read any of your books .
2 It 's not that anyone 's going to whip me if I do n't do it — but I know there 's going to be double the quantity tomorrow , so really I 'm just beating my own brow .
3 ‘ Whatever they do will personally sadden me because I do not want to see my constituency chopped up , ’ he said .
4 You hate me when I turn up in the sexy German motor , you hate me when I ca n't turn up at all .
5 This is the nearly got me and I 've only seen oh have we actually seen these ?
6 Pardon me if I write vehemently , ’ he apologized disingenuously to Poole in his second letter , adding with more than a hint of picturesque excess :
7 PARDON me if I do n't break down in tears at the plight of the parents who are having to take their children out of private schools because they can not afford the fees .
8 Tremayne lent me his Volvo to go to the boatyard in the morning , reminding me before I set off that it was the day of the awards dinner at which he was to be honoured .
9 It 's terrible but I find I do exactly the same with my children now : they come in from school and everything is dropped and I say ‘ pick them up ’ and I try to stop nagging them because I remember how much I hated it .
10 I do n't trust them and I have n't for the seven and a half years I 've been inside jail .
11 You do n't trust me and I do n't trust you .
12 It amazes me when I think back , how we managed to go without sleep .
13 Forgive me if I do n't care what he wrote in his Vico . ’
14 Forgive me if I do n't burst into tears , but the great heights seem more than compensatory . ’
15 Forgive me if I do n't ask how you feel , but I 'm just going to break every bone in your boyfriend 's body ! ’
16 And I would suggest to you , it 's because it 's complicated , and forgive me if I have n't made it more simple , but that 's one reason incidentally , why in my document , I kept commissioning , the business of doing , and making the kind of hard choices that your committee 's had to make this morning , because resources will always be limited , separate from discussing everything that people would like to do , because they do n't always run together .
17 I 'll be hassling them when I get there … believe me ! ! !
18 Seems to know me but I do not know her ( not Minny ) .
19 I mean just you know the the sort of , Well look er you know it does n't mean I wo n't respect you and I do n't love you and all that sort of thing .
20 ‘ Now , Charles , if you would calm down a moment and allow me to get a word in , I would be able to inform you that I have already negotiated just such a deal for you . ’
21 Delaunay , who earlier in the year had held an important exhibition together with Marie Laurencin at the Galerie Barbazanges , did not show at the Section d'Or , and wrote an open letter to Vauxcelles : ‘ I beg to inform you that I do not subscribe to the erroneously held opinions of Monsieur Hourcade which proclaim me as a founder of Cubism together with four of my colleagues and friends .
22 There , in the fact that , that same evening , when I can promise you that I 've always been a most truthful man , I , to my own amazement , discovered that I was mouthing lies . ’
23 How do I know I can trust you if I do n't know what religion you are ?
24 Er and his son helped him but I think in later on there were a little bit of disagreement with , with regards to who , how much work there was and , but anyway they 'd finished the bungalow and er it 's grand yes
25 Yes well I think I told him a wrong , you see , there were two there there are two ways of tackling it and I do n't think the way I told him is what they want for the examination purposes , at all !
26 ‘ You might know it but I do n't . ’
27 Mm , I suppose , John , how many bloody wives has he since I do n't know
28 Of television we say : I want it as I have never had it .
29 Stop me before I kill again
30 They only stop them cos I hang on to choice int draw .
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