Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] again [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They take them there , they train them and they bring them back again in the evenings as well .
2 Trained in Ireland at the Cullinane yard for his first run of the 1984–5 season , he was then moved to Paddy Mullins , winning a handicap hurdle at Limerick Junction on his second outing for his new stable before his mood let him down again in the 1985 Gold Cup : he tried to pull himself up after a circuit and was tailed off when refusing at the last fence .
3 The wheel careered onwards , carrying their chair over the summit and hurling it out again into the sickening void beyond .
4 On your behalf they can approach other potential participants , negotiate a common format and basis for the figures , collect and collate the information , and send it out again in a form that disguises which figures belong to which company .
5 For instance , there 's a 19th century telegraph relay station , where human operators function like modern amplifiers — they receive a weak signal and tap it out again for the next leg of the journey .
6 ‘ Yes , and would n't it be good to get a structure and … maybe costume , a few props anyway and learn the poems off by heart , not read them , nose buried in a book , dropping them out your looseleaf onto the floor , scrabbling around picking them up again in the wrong order . ’
7 He jerked him to his feet , and separating the thin wrists he held , twisted them together again behind the boy 's back , and so thrust him painfully before him along the passageway to the staircase .
8 And there was a move to set it up again in the late Sixties , but that got sat on .
9 She drew in a quick breath , then let it out again in a rush .
10 ‘ Just sit you down again for a minute , lassie .
11 Once you 've mapped in the shape , leave it soft , or wet the brush , dip it back into the powder and run it over again for a more liquid line .
12 ‘ Unless you change back to Mr Hyde overnight and lump me in again with the rest of the female sex you 're running away from . ’
13 When Victoria found the grit from the paths got into her sandals , Richard removed her shoes and socks and shook all the gravel out of them , folding her socks for her to put them on again in the special way that her nanny did .
14 The Bootle Times wanted us to put them up again for a photograph , and they were left until the next day because it was raining . ’
15 so , erm I mean think we 're in their hands and that 's why I was a bit apprehensive about doing publicity for it at such an early stage because I like to see i 's dotted and t 's crossed er but however I 'll chase them up again in the next few days
16 Under ordinary circumstances he might have got the second but they responded to his aggression with speed and efficiency , bottling him up again with a hail of bullets — bullets fired from very close range .
17 Well , I think you need to recognize that really sales volume is , it it takes us back again to the fact that any customer is better than no customer at all .
18 You may very well find it possible yet to send them home again in the very minted pieces in which they left home with the lady . ’
19 He fell on his feet , coiled hard into a ball , and used all the weight of his body and the power of his long legs to project him forward again after the enemy who recoiled from his reaching arms .
20 The only option is to rinse the board in water , dry it carefully and try to line it up again on the artwork , re-exposing it for a few more minutes .
21 And the soldiers muttered to one another as they limped and splashed back towards England that the black friars had not only sent the terror , but withdrawn it from them as soon as they turned back , and the devil their master could call it up again in an instant if they so much as looked over their shoulders .
22 That has brought us back again to the conundrum which you posed to me and in the face of which I had to express my helplessness — namely , how do we make the silent majority unsilent since that is by definition impossible ?
23 He finished his coffee , slid his papers into a folder and took me forward again to the horse car .
24 Do n't pass it back again to the left — or if you do you 'll strip off the ribber stitches . )
25 This reconstituted his image and then sent it back again to the exhibition at London 's Barbican Centre .
26 Now I 've engendered a feedback loop , so that if Mait , or anyone else , tries to use it , the enhancer will focus his concentration , feed it back , and drain it off again in a continuous loop that should keep him rooted to the spot for the rest of his life — or until someone else separates his gaze from the lenses .
27 Prices of appellation d'origine controlee wines rose to what some would say were over-ambitious levels but lack of demand has forced them down again by a tenth or more in Britain with even bigger discounts available in French supermarkets .
28 Yeah , no it 's a play get the jobs done and then we used to deliver them back again up the street and one of us used to go in , I used to divert to Derby
29 He liked taking them apart and putting them together again in the wrong order to make new toys and would do this all day until he had forgotten what they looked like in the first place .
30 Jennie then asked Katharine to come across the half diagonal in a nice , steady canter , and to imagine ‘ picking him up and putting him down again on the other leg . ’
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