Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A couple of funny looks later and I realised I also had to head off the perception that I wanted to hire a sex cave for outré rumpy pumpy with a slew of bimbo victims .
2 Since a living room is literally the room for general living it often has to serve as a study , playroom and dining room as well and still manage to reflect your tastes and be a comfortable extension of your personality — or personalities .
3 If this does not work ( and I do n't think you actually have to go to France ) , you might try the recipe of the American crime short story writer , Robert Twohy , who writes out a first sentence and then sees if anything comes from it , and so on .
4 I mean you only have to look at him .
5 The er I I shall pull back slightly on that comment in that , if it 's jointly owned property it 's outside the will you therefore do n't have to prove the will to deal with that property , but if it is a large estate and you are dealing with other assets , when you do your inland revenue account you also have to refer to property you may have had the power of dealing while you were alive and that would include jointly owned property .
6 Larger dis large test statistics mean rejection of the goal right erm there 's no simple rule of thumb with kie squared you just have to look at the erm actual tables to find out what the critical values are .
7 " It 's a long-term project , and to help it there 's got to be a forest sense among the general public .
8 Her skin seemed to glow , and she discovered she only had to smile at the male members of the staff and they were immediately more friendly .
9 As a permanent secretary in the Department of the Environment I was an accounting officer , which meant as a civil servant I was responsible directly to parliament , which also meant I regularly had to go before the Public Accounts Committee .
10 After reading the letter from Audrey Haagensen in the September issue I felt I just had to write to you .
11 She had become obsessed with Eliot and his work at the age of fourteen , after she had heard a recording of " The Journey of the Magi " : " It was extraordinary , " she said later , " that I felt I just had to get to Tom , to work with him . "
12 It also meant he only had to walk across the Paddock when he went on night duty . ’
13 do I still have to pay for these on ?
14 It 's a combination of high- and medium-speed corners , which means you really have to concentrate on your handling , and you need plenty of aerodynamic downforce .
15 I think , I think we have to wait for the letter , I suspect you 'll probably find both those changed to some extent after that so er I think we really have to wait for that .
16 I think we really have to look at the Dutch experience and
17 MAX : Do we really have to go through this nightly ritual ?
18 The move to the capital was a great upheaval for the Manchester girls , for not only did they now have to rehearse in Sin City as they called it , but they also had to work with Londoners .
19 Mr Clinton said he also had spoken with Britain 's John Major ; Canada 's prime minister Brian Mulroney ; Italian premier Giuliano Amato ; President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico ; President Carlos Menem of Argentina ; and Nelson Mandela , leader of the African National Congress .
20 You will essentially be following the diet in Stage I , but adding to it any food or drink you now have listed in column 3 of the Grand Review Chart on page 228 .
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