Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [adv] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose you think bringing me home gives you the right to tell me which friends I should choose , do you ?
2 I do n't think I ever gave him a wrong 'un , though .
3 I leaned forward , put my thumb under my lip and jerked it up to give him a close-up view of the long gash and the trailing blood-stained ends of the stitches .
4 First he sent him to the Jews to be tried as they said , then he sent him Herod then Pilate thought , if I scourge him that will satisfy them , let me just give him a beating and the folk will be happy and it 'll be alright .
5 I 'm c look let me just give him the two options .
6 The promise and the fulfilment , let me just give you a couple of verses there in John fourteen , John make er , Jesus he makes this statement to his disciples , in John fourteen , in verses sixteen and seventeen , and I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper , another word for the Holy Spirit , that he may be with you forever .
7 Let me just give you a list of some of the things that , that God has provided for us in , by , and we receive it by faith .
8 Let me just give you a little illustration that might help , you know in thinking of the erm the fusion of the divinity , the divine nature and the human nature , erm is it Clarke Kent , is that the guys name on television , you know the character , you know the guy that walks around you know he 's the boy next door type figure with glasses and all the rest of it , he 's no macho figure that and then in a transformation take place and woof goes flying through the air does n't he , what is he , he 's Batman is n't he
9 Let me just give you an idea , just that 's something else we do , let me give you some idea of , that 's a couple of examples very attractive books
10 Meredith told him twice to give it a bit more blood and thunder , but it was n't in him .
11 Ami Pro 3.0 not only gives you a full range of text and text styles it also gives you a drawing package , a charting package , an equation editor and a grammar checker .
12 Yes , I know they just gave me a little walk on part .
13 11 I lift it gently to give her a ride and a feeling the perch is part of me and not the cage .
14 Cos I can travel three hundred miles on my own at night so you know it just gives me a bit of safeguard .
15 A vet who wishes to examine a cat may approach it in this way before , for instance , holding it down to give it an injection .
16 He resented the implied criticism , and defended himself by saying he merely gave her a book which he happened to have with him , rather than one he felt suitable for such a person .
17 I brought you in to give you a present .
18 Actually , I think I probably gave her the clay . ’
19 so he was gon na do the same for me , do a bit of shopping well I said you 'll get it like give you the money , so he says well I was gon na do the same but I said the only thing is when we go to the cash desk er , I said I 'm gon na leave you , I said I 'm not standing there
20 's Thank you below gives us an insight into what she personally appreciated and might help others in the future .
21 As I 'm passing this great big q , queue it always give you a sense of well-being does n't it , when you can walk by to the front sort of thing , not to the front of the queue , you can just walk in .
22 Why have they never given us the understanding of how to contact this inner voice ?
23 ‘ He never once put his hand into his box all the years that I served him , ’ meaning he never gave me a gift of money , a bonus for service above and beyond the call of time .
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