Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] that [pers pn] 've " in BNC.

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1 Keep flashing me to say that I 've got my headlights on so I , when I , I give them flash back to say no I have n't .
2 So do you feel that erm I mean I know that you 've been here twenty one years , and do you think women are more important or less important in the factory than they were ?
3 It does n't need me to say that we 've got a long way to go .
4 and they say you know that they 've sold
5 ‘ Well , ’ Angelica said , ‘ I want you to remember that you 've got friends here .
6 He wants you to know that you 've got those and you 've got a fair idea of how much you 're leaving .
7 I only want him to say that I 've done well in finding somewhere for us to be ! "
8 I mean for example if they walked in the room right now I 'm sure you 'd introduce me so I 'm really saying is look can you give me a telephone number , I 'll give them a chat and in fact , by the way , if you do see him within the next couple of days or so please give him a shout , let me know that you 've been quite excited about some of the ideas that I 've shown you this evening , I wan na do the same thing for him , you know , nothing gained nothing ventured nothing lost .
9 And that 's what I want you to feel like Mandy I do n't want you to feel that you 've got ta do things for me .
10 Thank you Chairman erm I would like I know that you 've been listening to the first er part of our session this afternoon , erm and I 'd like to ask you to discuss with us one of the questions that we asked the group the Pension Fund erm and that 's to discuss the balance of power that exists between the employer and the various groups and classes of pensioner .
11 ‘ It may interest you to know that I 've just had Mr Standish on the phone .
12 ‘ It might interest you to learn that I 've changed my opinion on that matter , ’ he admitted drily .
13 You 're asking me to believe that I 've fallen in love with a nothing . ’
14 I 'm asking you to accept that I 've got reasons , and not to ask me what they are .
15 ‘ In view of your opinion of me , it wo n't surprise you to know that I 've been out with a couple of the other men from the station over the past week , ’ Maria volunteered stormily , halting and then swinging round to face him again .
16 I think you feel that you 've put in more a more positive input .
17 As a Christian do you feel that you 've been changed ?
18 Do you feel that you 've got more or less job security now than in the past ?
19 " When you 've finished saying all that you want to say about these things , though , do you feel that you 've come to any definite conclusion ? "
20 How in the last twenty six years do you feel that you 've got on with people in general ?
21 ‘ We were talking about my career , and how I 'm not prepared to have you insinuate that I 've slept my way to the top ! ’
22 ‘ Ah well , in that case , I 'd better let you know that I 've asked Paul Spence to do some of the revision classes for your part of the course . ’
23 I 've got no I I 've got no problem with that Robert because there 's enough there to say you know that you 've got erm cut your teeth already on sales .
24 Does she know that you 've been unfaithful to her once already and are willing to be again — except that this time I 'm not co-operating ?
25 ‘ Indian restaurants are always contacting us to say that they 've had celebrities in , and more often than not they turn out to be MPs . ’
26 Have you found that you 've got a lot of things to change and alter ?
27 To make it mean that you 've got four Os as well you put it in brackets .
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