Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [verb] [indef pn] of the " in BNC.

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1 Identifying the sin or offence lets the other person know you understand something of the hurt .
2 Everyone will be free to enjoy themselves as they wish , but we shall be arranging a programme of optional sightseeing excursions and activities on a daily basis , which will ensure you miss nothing of the best the region has to offer .
3 This is an important qualification ( that doubt is normal only in our abnormal situation ) , but it allows us to appreciate something of the positive side of doubt .
4 You know I saw nothing of the sort when I for a fortnight in a .
5 I smiled a smile that was meant to signify interest in this excursion , but Carla was far too intelligent to believe it showed anything of the sort .
6 Suddenly , after two centuries of obscurity and legends , two documents coming from the chancery of Antiochus III allow us to see something of the life of Jerusalem ; the second document is again quoted by Flavius Josephus ( Ant .
7 In a remarkable public statement , Anne insisted she said nothing of the sort .
8 Did I see anything of the riots ?
9 Do you know anything of the Dubrovlag ? ’
10 Do you know anything of the Old Ones , or the carvings that are in the museum ? ’
11 Neither did we know anything of the controversy at high levels over the relative merits of area versus precision bombing , but what we did notice was that during the winter of 1943/44 , morale amongst the aircrews was not exactly at its highest level .
12 But Packer 's difficulties are worth recognising because not only do they reveal something of the cultural context within which Auerbach 's work signifies , they also typify — albeit unconsciously — the burden of historiography and the demands of convention in writing about anything that purports to be a portrait .
13 Lucy herself said she remembered nothing of the dreadful cockchafer affair .
14 This is taking us from the mundane and the ugly and helping us to see something of the reality of the splendour of God in our lives , particularly when we worship Him .
15 Have you seen anything of the unicorn ? ’
16 Have you observed anything of the kind ? ’
17 Now have you got plenty of the wee tablets or are you finished ?
18 ‘ Did his general condition lead you to expect something of the sort ? ’
19 Neither he nor Loren liked the house , much ; it had been built not too long after the war , and with its small windows and pebbledash it had none of the atmosphere of the ‘ place in the country ’ that they 'd been hoping for-if anything , it looked more like the married quarters for lower RAF ranks to be found around old and run-down airfields .
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