Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [conj] would [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We did n't make a sale , though we did make contacts that would n't have been available to us otherwise .
2 Not the least of those was highlighted capably by my hon. Friend the Member for Wolverhampton , South-West ( Mr. Budgen ) , who pointed out that , if the right hon. Gentleman was to achieve any of his aims in regard to European monetary union and convergence , he would be required to support policies that would inevitably increase the country 's tax burden considerably .
3 From being an additional safeguard for those already arrested , the necessity principle becomes , in the hands of the Home Office , the basis of a separate and quite independent set of criteria justifying arrests that would otherwise have been unlawful .
4 The mouth was a mouth no longer , but a muzzle , a pointed snarling maw with snapping teeth that would certainly rend human flesh to shreds , with a lolling red tongue that would snake out and lick the blood and the marrow …
5 There was no space for two small children or one transversely-mounted adult , not a trace of walnut , and if you wanted to listen to a radio in a Cobra you 'd have needed speakers that would n't have disgraced a heavy-metal band .
6 ‘ If we can increase our market share through pulling cattle that would normally go deadweight we can offer the farmer who sells deadweight the service where he can have his cattle sold by auction . ’
7 Protagonists of second homes suggest that outsiders are actually saving homes for which there is no local demand , preventing dereliction , paying rates that would otherwise go unpaid and supporting local shops , services and craftsmen ( albeit seasonally ) .
8 Celebrity doctor Mark Holmes said The Terminator had many ripped muscles and would probably get arthritis .
9 The difference was that when constructing a plot she was able to invent clues that would subtly direct her readers in the direction of the guilty person while strewing their path with red herrings .
10 They needed clothes that would not get torn in a fight , which would stay pressed and neat and which would identify them in a crowd .
11 By spending three million pounds diversifying in this way he hopes not only to create new employment , but also to save buildings that would otherwise have fallen into disrepair .
12 Robbins summarized the intentions of his Committee in this regard as being to encourage a ‘ more or less continuous spectrum in the developing system of higher education ’ , and within that spectrum to have institutions that would gradually acquire university status : ‘ our recommendation of the creation of the National Council for Academic Awards was designed to be part of such a continuous system ‘ .
13 Since E ' ; lies below the corresponding point on LAC at the output Q ' ; , the monopolist is making losses and would rather go out of business .
14 Whether you love cichlids or would rather keep wasps for a hobby , can I urge you to ready Mary 's article in case you ever wish to take advantage of our service .
15 He is one of the jewels of radio , a playwright who understands the medium , but who does n't use radio merely as a way of playing tricks that would n't work on stage or television .
16 But though her mouth opened it was a silent entreaty and all she seemed able to do was cling to the top of her cage near where branches of trees hung and vainly try to say words that would not come .
17 It seems reasonable to assume that changes in the steady-state responses , as measured in the above experiments , reflect alterations that would also affect the response to synaptically released L-glutamate ( for example , changes in the number , or conductance properties , of AMPA receptors ) .
18 In return for the unions ' consent formally to acknowledge managements ' prerogatives of decision-making at plant level , employers would recognise the right of workers to join unions and would not discriminate against them for doing so .
19 The program also includes a spelling checker — that can be used to correct mistakes that would otherwise appear either on your slides or your associated handouts .
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