Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] to be " in BNC.

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1 Money may , for example , be used as a measure of value enabling comparisons of value to be made between different objects such as houses or cattle .
2 We want rights of way to be legally defined , definitive maps brought up to date and any conflicts sorted out .
3 We want rights of way to be properly managed so that people who litter , trespass , leave gates open , or whose dogs kill sheep can be dealt with .
4 In " The retreate " , a complex linguistic and pragmatic site is displayed , and it is deixis which largely holds this together , enabling frames of context to be created , and leading the reader around and into the work .
5 Is he aware that some EC partner states want mechanisms for cohesion to be written into the text of the treaties that may be signed after Maastricht ?
6 The parents of 26 children refused to send them to the designated school and instead made arrangements for tuition to be given to them by , inter alios , a volunteer retired teacher , in rooms above a public house .
7 The figure that many companies disclose allows trends over time to be identified but does little to provide a more detailed appreciation of its commitment to investing for the future . ’
8 Since eating sugar will give the yeast a burst of growth and therefore precipitate symptoms such as bloating within a few hours , one would expect sufferers from candidiasis to be averse to sugar .
9 We have previously shown diuretics plus nifedipine to be an effective combination for black hypertensive patients .
10 I I agree with you that those are concerns but I would not like things like grammar to be isolated out from other language skills
11 It is equally true that Lord Diplock has stated that the normal presumption is that Parliament intends questions of law to be decided by the courts , but his Lordship did not state that this was an irrebuttable presumption .
12 Every action which is accepted as kindly , every individual act of devotion and sacrifice , whether made in the havoc of war or in times of peace , every act of generosity and in fact every good thing which has resulted from the endless struggle to uphold the decision to master the violent and lustful urges which are a legacy from the evolutionary process , will play its part in providing units of goodness to be enshrined in the Created God .
13 The [ draft ] FRS also requires appropriations of profit to be shown in the profit and loss account equivalent to the value of shares issued in respect of scrip dividends .
14 When friends parted , they exchanged loans of money to be returned in the next life .
15 Under each month could be found directions for work to be done in the kitchen garden with notes on its produce , the pleasure or flower garden with plants then in flower , and the greenhouse and stove with their plants in bloom .
16 The free-running ratchet mechanism allow changes of direction to be made with finger and thumb , without releasing the handle .
17 On the contrary , many followed Malthus in believing that availability of food would always tend to limit population growth , and that the ‘ iron law of wages ’ would prevent the poor from achieving a standard of living allowing diseases of malnutrition to be banished .
18 However , the functional analysis enabled areas of commonality to be identified at a high or general level , showing how and where the two departments interacted .
19 In considering these results the NAC decided to allow resolutions on disaffiliation to be considered at the Easter Conference , but declined to make any recommendation on the issue by seven votes to five .
20 Integrating this equation gives and taking limits of integration to be gives .
21 But it is important to be able to classify the different types of mechanically propelled vehicles in order to be able to prove to a court in which class a vehicle falls .
22 Computer-controlled resistivity systems have been further developed : in particular an electrode pad for core imaging has been completed in collaboration with Nottingham Polytechnic , allowing sections of core to be imaged automatically .
23 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the liability imposed under section 1(1) of the Act of 1978 was intended by Parliament , by virtue of section 6(1) of the Act , to enable claims for contribution to be made as between parties who had no claim for contribution under the general law , and applied whenever a plaintiff had a cause of action against a third party in respect of the same damage as gave rise to his cause of action against the defendant , irrespective of the legal basis of the liability ; and that , accordingly , the defence of ex turpi causa non oritur actio could not be relied upon in answer to a claim for contribution under the Act ; and that , since there was sufficient possibility of the third party being found liable for some part of the plaintiffs ' loss , there were no grounds for striking out the third party notice ( post , pp. 1022H — 1023A , G–H , 1024G — 1025D ) .
24 The specific purpose of that Act , as of the Act of 1935 before it , was to enable claims for contribution to be made as between parties who had no claim to contribution under the general law .
25 The invasion has renewed calls for fencing to be installed but Jackie Stewart , who saw his own name earsed from the record books by Mansell 's win , said it it is n't practical .
26 It only seeks relationships in order to be loved .
27 Although some fertility clinics have offered counselling in recent years , it is only as a result of the new legislation that all clinics have to employ counsellors in order to be licensed .
28 It enables passages of language to be read in a coherent manner and gives an indication of the rhythm and colour of the speech .
29 The main thing here concerning is extended cuts with the coal operators is er the buzz word of the coal industry , competitiveness , we have to have extended cuts in order to be competitive .
30 Previously analysed texts have already been used as a source of statistical information to enable parts of speech to be identified in a text on the basis of the likelihood of particular sequences ( for example , the word after the is nearly always a noun ) .
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