Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] and [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The village can only be described as picturesque , the core built in the 13th century has narrow and sometimes steep and winding cobblestone alleys .
2 As the morning progresses the rain will spread eastwards becoming persistent and locally heavy and will reach the eastern coastal districts of Antrim and Down by early afternoon .
3 They will survive unscathed and largely unregulated until their activities unleash another financial disaster ; at which point this book will be a useful starting point for moppers-up .
4 The son of another Superintendent has told how he and his mother often had to remove the leggings and gaiters from his father when he arrived home soaking wet and utterly stiff and weary after cycling several miles to and from a meeting on a winter night .
5 Outside it had turned dark and rather cold as Ranulf trotted along , following the curtain wall to the porter 's lodge near the gate .
6 Right alongside were the bows of a ship ; they seemed enormous and so close that I thought the bilge water would splash on our deck .
7 Often seen at press receptions and " at homes " for a client and his products , journalists from the women 's magazines may appear young and rather silly or matronly and gentle .
8 This may sound ominous and rather exaggerated but there is no doubt that a major alteration in your personal life as well as your career is imminent and unavoidable .
9 The sky sort of turns grey and then whitey-blue and then in the end it 's daytime and it 's all sunny .
10 but the idea of becoming a king seems absurd and increasingly distasteful as Count Trollac , leader of the movement for restoration , explains his obligations .
11 He seems sensible and rather nice and he knows what he is talking about .
12 His eyelashes were extravagantly long , tar black and as thick as the teeth on a comb , and his lids were gently slanted , harbouring eyes of an electrifying blue .
13 Others — anemones , winkles , starfish — are affixed in or move into sheltered places , under rocks , and remain cool and reasonably moist and protected from pounding .
14 Clambering on to the horse 's back felt odd and briefly unsafe and then , unexpectedly , exhilarating .
15 More subtly and widely , they can be led to waste effort in imitating traits which had a point in the situations which gave rise to them , but become empty and even harmful when transplanted .
16 She felt sad and immensely tired that she was about to see for the first time how Eddie had died .
17 Buyers and sellers stood immobile in the freezing Piazza : they looked sinister and almost inanimate until they left their posts for coffee or hot punch in one of the cafés .
18 The scales , so heavy and rough in the early forms , have now become thin and smoothly fitting or been lost altogether .
19 They looked dejected and as puzzled as some of their captors .
20 She felt reckless and more alive than she had for months , her own desire rising as his hungry mouth fell on her breasts like a starving child , and his eager hands tore at her clothes .
21 Rain is hard on your hands during ferreting , nets become unmanageable and less effective and it is n't possible either to kneel or lie on the ground in any comfort .
22 All the same , Giles looked handsome and very prosperous when he drove up in his luxurious car .
23 The heathland had suddenly ended — to give place to an expanse of emerald green , which looked bright and most attractive but which , Cheryl realised with a shudder , concealed treacherous shifting marsh .
24 Because we 're right we 're we , we 're , we 're better people as a result , so th th there 's a tendency just as in individuals can get proud and even arrogant and self-satisfied , so does the tendency for groups to get proud , arrogant and self-satisfied because and what fuels this group erm feeling is narcissism .
25 The moon effect can be tested with a torchlight on a dark night and , sure enough , the light disc appears to get small and more intense as it rises .
26 No matter how helpful some of the tools presented seem to appear , they will prove useless and even harmful if taken up by those with eyes which are spiritually blind and whose hands lack spiritual strength .
27 Arthur Price chairman John Price says : ‘ 13/0 certainly looks as bright and as cheerful as 18/8 but after it has been in use for a short while it goes dull and then grey and , after a year or so , stains and pitmarks develop which can not be removed . ’
28 Naturally this crisp geometrical profile becomes softened and less perceptible as scoria cones grow older and are subjected to the normal processes of erosion .
29 Celie remains uncomplicated and straight forward but the childish brevity sets the right tone of gratuitous violence for Celie 's early vision of the world .
30 Nevertheless the anthropologist 's favourite stamping ground , " the study of kinship " , becomes arid and thoroughly misleading if the anthropologist concerned ever allows himself to forget that the domestic household , which stands at the core of any kinship system when viewed from the inside , is a social machine for the production of the means of subsistence and the reproduction of human beings .
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