Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun pl] is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That this underdetermination causes methodological problems is well known to every practising scientist .
2 Local authorities must naturally continue to meet their obligations under health and safety legislation and under the provisions of legislation designed to promote equal opportunities , but in other respects their freedom to impose contractual conditions is now restricted .
3 however , a means of switching to petrol for starting or to meet heavy-load surges is usually retained ; so that the fuel saving is less than 100 per cent .
4 The degree of intellectual impairment occurring in early treated preschool children is closely associated with the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia to which the subjects have been exposed .
5 The art of outlining and defining soft furnishings is usually associated with traditional-style interiors , but many brightly coloured modern fabrics can also be given a stylish lift with the wide range of trimmings that are available today .
6 Further , the direct utilisation of genetic engineering on people to eliminate genetic defects is now contemplated seriously ( eg the Kline affair ) .
7 In face and figure young Pelops is clearly distinguished from the foursquare sturdy elder Oenomaus .
8 The cost of preserving historic buildings is often presented as a massive burden to the taxpayer .
9 SQL , the standard query language for interrogating relational databases is now established — the battle is over how SQL enquiries are structured — the IBM or SAG way .
10 Charging drivers to use certain roads is also seen as a way of increasing government revenue .
11 We believe a much better understanding of the environmental implications of using secondary aggregates is urgently required .
12 We believe a much better understanding of the environmental implications of using secondary aggregates is urgently required .
13 The role of the welfare state in masking existing oppressions and reinforcing social inequalities is also addressed .
14 The advent of professionally trained full-time librarians is still awaited , but a number of project schools were well served by head teachers who resolved to designate and remunerate teachers for library responsibilities .
15 The scope of corporate discretion in making delegated decisions is obviously extended substantially once uncompetitive product market conditions , and the consequent reduction in the pressure to keep costs down , are taken into account .
16 However my own opinion , for what it is worth , is that the possibility of making moral judgements is inextricably mixed up with the possession of language capability in quite a different form from that which has been shown to exist in experimental domesticated apes .
17 But even setting aside such terminological differences , it remains true that whether or not any animals employ symbolic representations is widely regarded as doubtful .
18 Within the Scandinavian countries the predominant role of central organisations of employers and workers in negotiating collective agreements is best known in Sweden .
19 As his reputation for making commemorative seats is well known in the area , it is certain he will quickly find a ready market for his work .
20 Building new prisons is often presented in terms of reform .
21 His chemist colleagues suggested he tried a substance called t-butyl hydroperoxide — an ‘ off the shelf ’ chemical reagent , whose ability to produce free radicals is well known to chemists .
22 The strength of the desire to gain particular techniques is often reflected by the extent to which industrial espionage was resorted to .
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