Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [pers pn] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had made sure he had a word with Robert .
2 After lying deserted it became a timber factory for a while in the 1960s .
3 Ted Parsons had got ashore , but when lying rock-still he felt a gun behind his ear and was captured .
4 And I made sure I blabbed a bit to her , even contradicting in inessential details some of the earlier relations to the Colonel , so that he might think he was getting better quality intelligence this way .
5 ‘ I made sure I had a balance , though .
6 And made sure you use a light , day-time eye gel .
7 Do n't devise a long list of rules for the sake of having rules : make sure they serve a purpose — to enhance your child 's safety– wellbeing and steady ( not hurried ) progress towards maturity .
8 Always make sure you get a receipt .
9 But if you 're thinking of doing the same , make sure you get a recording that can be sung-along with and not one of those dragged out funereal dirge versions .
10 We rounded them up , pulled up the anchor with some difficulty from the sticky mud ( when chartering in these waters , make sure you get a boat with a windlass ) and set off .
11 Make sure you get a copy of Ideal Home every month by taking out a subscription .
12 Before ordering a machine from a supplier , make sure you get a copy of the company 's terms and conditions and read the small print .
13 Make sure you get a copy of the initial ( and any supplementary ) reading list(s) handed out at the first meeting with your class teachers .
14 Make sure you keep a tube of Sudocrem at hand — when children 's tumbles end in tears , Sudocrem can help make it better .
15 Make sure you keep a tube of Sudocrem at hand — when children 's tumbles end in tears , Sudocrem can help make it better .
16 Make sure you use a cloth that is free from any lint , and take great care when cleaning off any fingerprints from the mirror that you do not damage the pressed flower design .
17 And the other thing about the I-s is if you make sure you put a dot on them on the top then if it looks a bit like if you people ca n't tell that you 've done an E or an I , if you 'd a dot on top it 's got to be an I .
18 Erm , and then we 'll sort of talk it through and make sure we 've got it right , and we 'll get it typed up for you , erm , and make sure you take a copy of it away with you .
19 Whatever the conclusion or result of your check list — write it down — and make sure you make a note about anything you need to check up on later .
20 Dermatologists recommend : stay inside when the sun rays are strongest and make sure you wear a factor 15 or more on exposed skin .
21 If you go on car journeys frequently with your baby make sure you choose a pushchair that is lightweight , compact and quick and easy to fold .
22 TIP Make sure you choose a variant that 's right for your hair type
23 Make sure you choose a model that can increase the normal temperature to that required for propagation .
24 Make sure you have a film in your camera and be prepared to have your ‘ after ’ photograph taken in the morning .
26 Make sure you have a supply of spare batteries too .
27 ‘ If you want to stay healthy and happy , make sure you have a family .
28 ‘ If you want to stay healthy and happy , make sure you have a family .
29 If you are babysitting , make sure you have an emergency contact number for the child 's parents .
30 Make sure you obtain a receipt with a date on it .
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