Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That congregations be given ample opportunity to sing in services , even where they have to be unaccompanied ( 528–529 , 540 ) .
2 developed the local authority role from direct provider to effective enabler , encouraging many tenants to buy their own homes , allowing schools the freedom to manage their own affairs and improving the quality of local services by allowing private business to compete for contracts .
3 Verapamil , a slow calcium channel blocker minimises cellular injury resulting from calcium influx into cells during hypoxia or ischaemia .
4 Men as well as women in British public relations today owe her a debt of gratitude for her contribution in helping British industry come to terms with public relations as a formidable management and marketing tool .
5 With a limited budget it has been difficult to acquire top quality works by artists on the museum 's list , however they have been fortunate in being able to purchase Robert Loder 's ( Honorary Curator of Prints , Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge ) collection of 363 prints , while other works were acquired from Marlborough Fine Art .
6 where a special area in one housing estate has been set aside for problem families , where they are given daily supervision combined with training and instruction designed to teach them the elements of home craft and mothercraft so that in due course , when they have proved they can manage their affairs , domestic , financial or otherwise , they can return to a better house in a more desirable neighbourhood .
7 Hugh Kenner , for instance , in a work of massive scholarship , The Pound Era ( 1971 ) , can write : ‘ By the mid-1920s a massive triviality , a failure of will on a truly forbidding scale , was allowing English culture to lapse into shapes characterized by childishness , self-indulgence , utter predictability ’ .
9 Stuart Hyslop , of DTC , said when a survey shows more people are using public transport to get into town it would be crazy to jeopardise that .
10 Fiona Richmond , who used to perform sexual test drives for men for one of Paul Raymond 's raunchy magazines , shared a bath with the Palace players .
11 Judge Paul Clark read social inquiry reports on Marron , before sentencing him to 2 life jail terms .
12 And he 's promised to look again at the case for allowing British Rail to bid for franchises .
13 Secondly , sterling 's former role as the major international currency enabled London 's financial community to accumulate vast expertise in handling foreign finance associated with trade and investment .
14 Recent studies using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with atlantoaxial subluxation have shown an inflammatory mass of granulation tissue around the odontoid arising from the synovial lining of the articulations .
15 Teenager made menacing telephone calls after row
16 A friend of Butcher 's , who has strong football links with Japan , said last night : ‘ He is very popular over there and they are keen to strengthen the coaching side of their game .
17 Running under Open Look or Motif , users can go to systems running Ingres , Sybase , Oracle and Informix for their data , which can be extracted without the need to know specific SQL commands via SAS English , which translates statements into SQL .
18 In the field of housing where central financial controls have made housebuilding by councils almost impossible , there has been a marked increase in partnerships with housing associations and many councils have also sought to encourage low cost housing through equity share schemes with the private sector .
19 It is an increasingly competitive market and conference organisers whose function it is to provide complete package deals for buyers are continually looking for new hotels and venues that can provide something different every year .
20 The former Prime Minister , Emilio Colombo , has remarked that he wants European integration to occur in order to prevent Italy from collapsing into anarchy .
21 Responding to parents ' needs does n't imply abandoning hard won professional judgement based on knowledge , experience and common sense .
22 In short , cooperative R&D ventures are likely to increase total R&D spending in sectors where spillovers are large .
23 I say again that in Northern Ireland the Housing Executive has spent a great deal more per capita than is the case elsewhere and that can be seen by anyone who visits public sector housing in Northern Ireland .
24 In my opinion , his marquetry is best when purely ornamental ; and his work of the 1730s is stunning , as is exemplified by the detail of Item 1 which has charming bronze mounts by Francesco Ladetto .
25 WHAT A GAS Barmy conservation chiefs say that this rusting old gasometer compares with Florence 's beautiful 15th century architecture
26 Earlier manmetric studies of the UOS in children used perfused sidehole pull through methods with sedation , an approach that only gives a few sample values of UOS pressure and these are influenced by the effects of sedation and stress .
27 One is whether a form is morphologically basic , or whether it needs extra material added by way of an additional rule .
28 T-shirts of the cult US cartoon show The Simpsons ( see p16 ) are becoming standard club wear in America .
29 You can also buy additional video clips on topics ranging from sci-fi to nostalgia .
30 Channel 1 has individual cut/boost controls for bass , mid and treble , a ‘ gain' control for setting the right input level , a ‘ clip ’ light to indicate when you 're driving the input too hard and two push-push mini-buttons : one for a special ‘ mid ’ EQ preset , and another that alters the input stage for the best results with different pickups .
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