Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] because it " in BNC.

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1 The report will also reject the argument that Japan needs special trade sanctions because it operates a different sort of capitalism .
2 Well if you look at it , this was called Top Valley Farm because it was the highest valley coming out of the city .
3 The Grovel Industry , where you get paid danger money because it 's so insecure .
4 My daughter finds everyday learning fun because it involves doing things together , but what of the working mother , or the one who has other children demanding all her attention , or the low-income family — do n't they have a right to pre-school education too ?
5 Jackie Drake was denied Invalid Care Allowance because it had been assumed that married women did n't need to work .
6 Unfortunately most people have no idea that they have high blood pressure because it does n't actually feel any different .
7 We approach much of by paths made for staling purposes and we have easy walking surfaces because it is grazed .
8 The Labour Party supports considerable state intervention because it considers that it is more important to divide the cake more fairly , even if this means having more allocative inefficiency and a smaller cake to share out .
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