Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [conj] [pers pn] [is] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , all that rhythm , one day you have it the next you do n't , and er Lawrence has certainly got it today , you can tell by just looking at a bowler running in , if he 's easy and relaxed , Lawrence I suppose never really looks relaxed when he 's belting into bowl , but he 's clicked he 's , he 's right at the crease .
2 Darren 's mam was saying Vivian 's only voted Conservative cos she 's sitting nice , she said they 've both got nice jobs and a nice big house and that .
3 Well it 's never going to go straight and it 's going to put the whole lot out is n't it ?
4 If a bank is not recognized , it can not use the word ‘ bank ’ in its title ( unless it is an overseas bank operating in the UK and it is made clear that it is using the title ‘ bank ’ because it is entitled to do so in its country of origin ) .
5 Medicine Mr Portillo has made clear that he is examining every possible area of Government spending in the task of cutting the bill before the Chancellor 's next budget in November .
6 She does n't even know yet that he 's back on the scene , let alone that he 's working with me , and as for anything else … ’
7 Especially painted white and it is reflecting an awful lot of light .
8 He said he 's at the home and everything 's going alright and he 's saying he 's already sent us the , the , the invitation , but I have no invitation
9 Cos she 'll look silly if she 's having one in nine months .
10 The horse is leaving ‘ home ’ so make sure that he is going forward and is concentrating on the first fence ahead .
11 Make sure that it is helping !
12 probably make sure when she 's coming
13 He was paying it and I must make sure that he is paying it .
14 They pass it around behind their backs and must make sure that it is ringing loudly .
15 to the bathroom , you know , expecting a big welcome and there 's ginger lying there , he 's only about ooh of five inches long and he 's only about , weighs less than a , immediately he 's backs arched and he 's hissing away there , his tail came up like you know
16 Cos I 'm , I 'm getting desperate cos it 's getting near the actual time .
17 He sticks his tongue a lot when he 's sort of gets excited or he 's doing something .
18 She usually keeps quiet while she 's watching , which suits me fine .
19 Mark 's promise that the Holy Spirit will look after their words when arraigned before councils for the sake of the gospel is brought into the Mission Charge by Matthew : it seems clear that he is looking forward from an isolated incident in the ministry of Jesus to the continuing mission of the post-resurrection church of which he was a member .
20 It 's gone dark while he 's waiting for us outside .
21 it has done has just become distorted and it 's splitting more away from the nail .
22 A horse may steal your jumper and then become panic-stricken because it is chasing him !
23 But what we 're doing is making sure that ours is gon na be the best there like you know .
24 ‘ Claire does not get angry but she is running out of patience .
25 IBM has invested so much in the development of , and so much more in the marketing of , OS/2 2.0 that it has to plough on with it even if in 18 months ' time it becomes clear that it is becoming at best a respectable also-ran in the desktop stakes .
26 ‘ We should like to see parents control the amount of time their children spend on computer games , especially if it becomes clear that it is becoming more than a normal hobby , ’ said the PAT deputy general secretary , Jackie Miller .
27 ‘ He suspects me of killing Angy and he 's trying to protect you .
28 I do keep an eye on my colour changer to make sure that it is picking up each colour as it should and I am also very careful to check that I have no ‘ lazy ’ or less than perfect needles as picking up dropped stitches is not a pleasant job .
29 The accomplishment is to make sure that it is telling you the truth . ’
30 Usually they are quite capable of doing this for themselves , but if your elderly parent turns to you for advice on financial matters your main aims should be : I. To make sure that she is receiving all the State benefits and pensions to which she may be entitled .
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