Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [prep] [v-ing] on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ABOVE Dogs will soon become used to travelling on public transport , but try to avoid peak-time travel at first , as they are more likely to be accidentally hurt by other passengers .
2 But later , from the end of the Triassic onwards , certain species within the genus began to drop down on all fours , although this does not mean that the quadrupedal forms descended from bipedal forms — or merely got tired of walking on two legs .
3 Clinton 's second allegation , that there has been collusion between the security forces and Protestant para-military groups , is based on a very few isolated cases in which part-time members of the Ulster Defence Regiment ( UDR ) have been found guilty of passing on sensitive information .
4 An official newspaper , El Español , produced by the Ministry of Information and Tourism , kept feelings running high by publishing on 24 February , an article entitled " The conspiracy has names " , in which a number of named students were attacked as " communist intriguers " , and the " Congress of Young University Writers " as Leftist agitprop organized with the connivance of some of the regime 's own officials ( a thinly veiled reference to Ruiz-Giménez , Laín Entralgo and the reformist group within the SEU ) .
5 She felt awkward at intruding on private grief .
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