Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] and [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The resulting proliferation of lympho-reticular cells around each dead larva causes bronchiolar obstruction and ultimately the formation of a macroscopically visible greyish-green , lymphoid nodule about 5.0 mm in diameter ( Fig. 25 ) .
2 Over a period the aim should be to adjust nursing budgets and thus the number of nurses employed so that each unit/specialty is equally provided fur within the constraints of financial provision .
3 The rally gives owners an opportunity to meet fellow enthusiasts and even the chance to buy .
4 In 1889 , the counties were given additional responsibilities and subsequently the four largest cities became counties of cities — the equivalent of the English county boroughs .
5 She brought a pile of cards that the children had made , using brightly-coloured paper and even the glitter tubes rationed out at Christmas .
6 We 're going to install temporary buildings and hopefully the children will be back at school next week .
7 The offer caused mass protests and eventually the firm pulled out , but now it has put in another bid , believed to be £5m .
8 GIs , Wrens , Waafs , splendidly moustachioed Flying Officers and even the odd Rear Admiral brought the 1940s back to Chartwell , Sir Winston Churchill 's home in Kent , at the beginning of June when dancing to the Big Band sound of Syd Lawrence Orchestra continued into the early hours in a huge marquee decked out with the flags of the Allies .
9 The peasant might be at the bottom of the pile , but he still had rights to own or work common land and thus the certainty of providing some food for the survival of himself and his family .
10 The front pages of every publication from the Communist Party 's daily newspaper , Scînteia , through to obscure literary journals and even the calendar of religious festivals issued by the tame Orthodox Church , always displayed a portrait of Nicolae Ceauşescu or a photograph of the ‘ most beloved couple ’ .
11 As well as the hoped-for benefits from the regression itself as part of a prolonged therapy , any hypnosis session involves deep relaxation and therefore the patient is able to release a great deal of accumulated stress and tension .
12 Whether or not the government could have intervened in the economy by adopting a more active regional policy , in order to reduce regional disparities and hence the North-South divide , is considered in Chapter 10 .
13 Sprays produced by taps and showers also produce fine aerosols and here the person at risk is one close to the source of aerosol production .
14 It did not outlaw indirect discrimination and indeed the concept of indirect discrimination did not appear in the legislation .
15 ‘ I saw grey smoke and then the tourist bus moved away fast . ’
16 However , the obligation to pay interest is an obligation to transfer economic benefits and hence the instrument is a liability .
17 In this sense , animals ( and we might add primitive peoples and even the environment ) are sui generis ; they are perfect of their kind .
18 To become a successful barrister , therefore , it is necessary to have financial support and so the background has to be that of the reasonably well-to-do family which , as a matter of course , sends its sons or daughters to public schools and then to Oxford or Cambridge .
19 A good stance and plenty of wind is needed to get sufficient speed and then the footsteering principle is used throughout the turn with little help from the sail .
20 We 're gradually building new facilities and evenmtually the old hospital will disappear
21 It would spell financial ruin and possibly the end .
22 Prematurity itself might influence subsequent health and so the effects of prematurity and birth weight ( adjusted for gestational age ) need to be clearly separated .
23 Unlike AIDS , vaccines are available to prevent acute infection and therefore the development of the carrier state .
24 Electronic systems are very often concerned with processing weak signals and sometimes the nonlinearity involved is sufficiently slight for quite large signals to qualify as small enough for the purpose of linear analysis .
25 It is an approach that has informed political actions and hence the political history of the country .
26 Although five different quarters are involved , each kind of quarter ( 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th ) carries equal weight and so the seasonal effect is eliminated .
27 It enables the builder to construct low-cost houses and yesterday the Mayor , Coun Eddie Bolland , performed the topping out ceremony .
28 Forests disappeared , reducing grazing areas and possibly the number of cattle .
29 since the poles of this function are given by where p is any integer including zero , which is equivalent to rejecting poles in the positive half of the s-plane reveals that the transfer function to be provided is or Two reactive components are needed to achieve second-order response and so the relevant low-pass filter in conjunction with the load resistance R is as shown in figure 12.2(a) .
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