Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] [noun] [conj] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 In 1953 he became Assistant Professor and in 1957 Professor of Library Science at Simmons College in Boston , where he remained until 1965 .
2 In 1846 he entered the engineers ' department of the River Clyde Improvement Trust , shortly afterwards becoming chief assistant and in 1852 acting engineer to the Trust for a short period on the death of David Bremner [ q.v . ] .
3 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
4 ‘ Holidays are now becoming essential purchases and in 1992 summer bookings were 12 per cent up on last year .
5 He had sat far back and to one side but the congregation was small for the early morning service and he had seen everything clearly .
6 The 14th Dalai Lama , His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso , fled to India , where he was granted political asylum and in 1964 China declared him to be a traitor .
7 Hence in late nineteenth-century France the aged were already a more prominent group , almost twice the proportion in England at the same time : indeed , there were proportionally somewhat fewer old in booming Victorian England than in 1700 .
8 He started by writing occasional articles but in 1939 he wrote The State of Music , a trenchant and provocative assessment of the machinery of the musical profession at the time .
9 Dr Roger Harrison , director of product development for Eli Lilly 's subsidiary Dista Ltd in the UK , told New Scientist that after five years of experience scaling up Lilly 's genetically engineered insulin ‘ we have not perceived any allergic reaction in the chemical processing or packaging units . ’
10 Excavations have uncovered positive proof that between 10,000 and 25,000 years ago it was a wild beast 's den with bones of extinct animals having been found in the stalagmites on the cave floor .
11 The Act of Parliament received Royal Assent and from I January 1948 , the London Passenger Transport Board became the London Transport Executive as one of the integral parts of the British Transport Commission .
12 Four of them had had adverse reactions and in one patient cereals had not yet been introduced to the diet .
13 He soon showed academic promise and in 1858 , at the age of fourteen , went to the famous boarding school of Pforta , not to far from Naumburg , where he excelled in most subjects , the chief exceptions being art and mathematics .
14 In 1932 he became Prime Minister and in 1933 Dictator , a situation which continued until his retirement due to a massive stroke in 1968 .
15 Once free of the knotted tentacles of the eastern suburbs , Dalgliesh made good time and by three he was driving through Lydsett village .
16 limited ( third party ) ( 1991 ) policy did not provide indemnity of survey carried out by nominated person not holding professional qualifications or with 5 years experience and supervised by professionally qualified person .
17 The other linguists all retained lasting interest in their subject without building careers on it : Lorna Bottomley joined the temporary Civil Service ( Ministry of Education ) after the war , enjoyed educational administration and in 1947 moved to become Assistant Secretary at the Westminster Medical School where she remained contentedly until retirement in 1982 .
18 In 1883 he became consulting engineer and in 1885 a director of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway , where he was responsible for the design and construction of their Horwich ( Bolton ) locomotive works and was chairman of the rolling-stock and locomotive workshop committees .
19 And at the very end of the decade , after this chapter had been written , Provincial announced that such was the cost of retaining ageing DMUs that in 1990 some services would be temporarily reduced until more Sprinters come on stream .
20 He failed to interest American industrialists and in 1886 came to England , thereafter the centre of his working life .
21 He had been so moved by reading Political Justice that in 1794 he had decided to found a Godwinian state in a remote part of America .
22 In the wake of Hillier 's retirement in 1882 , he was appointed assistant inspector-general and in 1884 he became one of the country 's four new divisional magistrates , with his headquarters in Athlone .
23 In the same winter , six walkers were killed in a series of accidents , most involving simple slips but including one case of hypothermia .
24 As the officer corps became more professionalized , it became more determined that the army should not be used again to quell civilian protest as in 1905–6 .
25 The first meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers was held on 2 January 1818 with eight founder members present , but it made slow progress until in 1820 Telford , who never joined the Smeatonians , agreed to become the first president .
26 From then on it became big game and for fifty years the only ones to leave China were dead .
27 The town imported raw jute and from 1832 mixed it with whale oil to produce a material capable of being woven into coarse fabrics such as hessian and sailcloth .
28 Both men were making angry gestures and at one point Fernand brandished the crowbar under Gebrec 's nose before flinging it to the ground in a melodramatic gesture of apparent capitulation .
29 The questionnaire requested a maximum of 27 replies under the following five major headings : personal details move to Gatwick travel housing other information and with three of the replies calling for explanations .
30 On occasions I looked at the casualty cards myself and identified potential clients that for one reason or another were not referred to me .
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