Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [vb pp] to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Those that have seemed to indicate that ESP might be at work have generally later been discredited : either the subject of the experiment has been proven to be a charlatan or the experimental procedure itself has been shown to be flawed .
2 Paul has been called to be a servant of Jesus Christ ; so have we .
3 And finally , a lack of interest in and control over their children on the part of parents has been argued to be a vulnerability factor for these children in adult depression ( see chapter 4 ) .
4 It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy .
5 I find his thesis correct in general , but should like to add that the corruption which amounts to violence is likely to be suppressed in someone who has been trained to be a good little girl and can , as one of his own case histories demonstrates , express itself in other , less overt , terms .
6 The food service design consultant , however , is a professional man who has been trained to be a designer after having gained a varied experience in the food service industry .
7 Mr Taylor has been asked to be a candidate in other constituencies .
8 In general this owl has been considered to be a woodland species preying on woodland rodents and birds ( Southern , 1954 ) .
9 It has been considered to be a pool car .
10 Accordingly , laminin has been considered to be a marker of fibrogenesis .
11 Although the younger woman has been taken to be a likeness of his sister Wil by many biographers , misled by an ambiguous comment of Vincent 's , Tralbaut sees in it a close resemblance to Kee .
12 NEW signing Les Sealey has been ordered to be a big noise at St. Andrew 's by Birmingham City manager Terry Cooper .
13 For instance , Heisenberg 's indeterminacy principle has been held to be a reason to reject the Law of Excluded Middle .
14 Freeze-marking with a number has been proved to be a deterrent to thieves , as well as making it much easier for police to identify animals .
15 Cannabis Teenagers often insist that cannabis is harmless , but it has been shown to be a high risk for certain users .
16 Dictionary definitions constitute a valuable source of semantic knowledge , and the definitional overlap technique has been shown to be a suitable method for applying such knowledge .
17 However , linear precedence has been shown to be a significant factor affecting the manner in which words associate with each other [ Church & hanks , 1989 ] .
18 It 's changed partly because Stalin 's er strategy in China has been shown to be a disaster and Stalin is trying to cover his tracks and most effective way of protecting himself against the criticism and the unpopularity which is likely to come from the failure is by insisting that the strategy was right all along and the revolution is about to triumph .
19 Sir , the pond in D thirty nine has been shown to be a breeding place for the Great Crested Newt , but it is also known that it migrates to other ponds , several others , but does not necessarily breed there , but chooses at Skelton .
20 The tenure of a person 's housing has been shown to be a consequence of marital breakdown in many cases .
21 RAP30 has been reported to contain a sequence homologous to region 1b and 2 of σ factors of bacteria , which has been shown to be a binding site for the core component of E.coli RNA polymerase and possibly for mammalian RNA polymerase II ( 19,40 ) .
22 This claim has been shown to be a considerable misstatement .
23 Roughly speaking , plain , unemotional , ordered " talking " , which is heavily dependent upon our ability to recognize and encode binary discriminations ( distinctive features in phonology and logical oppositions in argument ) , has been shown to be a function of the left hemisphere of the brain , while emotional responses , which are the consequence of reactions to sensory inputs from outside , are a function of the right hemisphere .
24 There is a famous sequence of " Going over the top " in the First World War which has been shown to be a staged sequence .
25 Human PGA has been known to be a complicated protein polymorphism .
26 More scientifically , variety has been found to be a factor in influencing the quantity of food we desire .
27 When schematic drawings of faces have been used as stimuli visual hemifield asymmetry has been found to be a function of several factors , including the degree of similarity between the stimuli to be compared and the inter-stimulus interval employed ( Patterson and Bradshaw , 1975 ) .
28 In many large series of critically ill patients sepsis has been found to be a major determinant of mortality .
29 The annual grass Lolium temulentum is a close relative of ryegrass and , for reasons of genetic uniformity and simplicity of life-cycle , has been found to be a much more suitable subject for fundamental studies of growth and development ( , , ) .
30 The dipper , a small bird that feeds underwater in fast-flowing streams , has been found to be a good indicator of water acidity , Studies in Scotland by Dr Juliet Vickery of Oxford 's Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology found a clear correlation between acidity in a stream and dippers ' breeding success .
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