Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [verb] in [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A twenty year old man has been called in for a chat with an inspector .
2 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
3 If the property has been lived in for a long time with old carpets that have never been shampooed they can exude quite pungent odours .
4 that he or she has been signed in at the inn ;
5 Money has been rolling in from a very wide range of fund raising activities undertaken by JM sites and individuals around the country .
6 Fido has been booked in to the kennels down the road and Fluffy has Mrs Jones coming in to feed her — but what about the fish ?
7 Now er I have to warn him there are that sort of conduct has been indulged in to the detriment of the people of Highfields over a significant period by the Labour party .
8 This has none of the mysticism about it , but has been hammered in by a pragmatic human being , after careful choice of the most suitable section available .
9 Almost every word has been put in for a purpose and needs to be commented upon .
10 Now in terms of the cr the need for development , I 'm sure the panel will have read all the evidence which has been put in about the long history of the varying impact studies o on development on around Greater York , and those date back of course to the February eighty nine report which I I think you 'll have seen copies of .
11 Paradoxically , ‘ people 's capitalism ’ has been ushered in at a time when the long-term trend towards a greater equality in wealth may have been reversed , and in a manner that has firmly excluded the poorest from acquiring capital assets themselves .
12 William who was a widower told his son he could believe he 'd been taken in by the conmen .
13 Also there were the people who 'd been coming in to the shop when it was still Let It Rock .
14 Any gains made are locked in at the end of the quarter .
15 Jane accompanied her hostess , who had taken her ten-year-old bronchial , backward ( ‘ France is the capital of Paris ’ ) overactive child to one , and while waiting was confided in by a fashionable , staring-eyed woman .
16 ‘ All you have to do is hang in for a couple of days , ’ she told herself .
17 It currently has a service within the Fire Service wh which costs a certain amount and we ca n't presume and I would , I suspect that Councillor is is actually trying to do is to get in by the back door for cut that we will then be forced to make the March March March Committee well I hope that members of this at this this this Committee would reject that er suggestion as it at the last meeting .
18 They must have been filled in at the bank either by Mr Hatton himself or else by the cashier who was attending to him . ’
19 I think he must have been put in from a boat . "
20 George Sanders was out of the running now , having been hauled in as an enemy spy , but I 'd be interested in knowing who precisely had tipped the Feds off to his brokerage for state secrets in the suburbs .
21 These horses are part-Arab , part-Basque and part-English , the English blood having been mixed in on the orders of Napoleon 1 , while the Arab strain has been traced , perhaps fancifully , to the horses left behind by the Saracens , who were badly defeated near here in the eighth century .
22 The ‘ subjective meaning ’ of what the woodsman or marksman is doing is built in to the basic description or interpretation of the facts .
23 When a German ‘ plane was shot down near Roxton the sergeant navigator who survived was brought in as a patient and I assisted with his reception .
24 Seven-eighths of the water the town of Aegina consumes is shipped in from the mainland .
25 Complete silence was expected nightly while he took stock of the world : ‘ after supper , the paper was unfolded and the old man began reading the four pages ; woe betide if any noise or talking was indulged in by the family until the task was completed . ’
26 I put the phone down , wondering how many people had been listening in on the extensions , and went back into my room .
27 Our Life President , Lady Sybil Clampe , was unable to be with us because she had been hemmed in by an inconsiderate BMW in the station car park in Swindon , but she gave a rousing presidential address over her car phone .
28 It was wonderful to see how the great court filled , as though the word of her return in triumph had been blown in on the wind .
29 ( In fact , over fifty additional questionnaires had been sent in by the third week in November ) .
30 Leading Tory Lady Olga Maitland had been pencilled in by the South Belfast Conservative Association to go on the hustings with candidates last weekend .
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