Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [verb] in [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The origins of this marital-rape exemption seem to lie in the notion that the wife is the husband 's property , or that the wife promises intercourse on demand , but it has been defended in modern times on the basis that such cases raise essentially family matters , better suited to examination in a non-criminal court , and that in any case proof would be difficult .
2 The main interest of this church is in its interior mosaics because much of the building has been altered in later times .
3 A Labour campaign document championed the ‘ traditional values and firm foundations of the mid-Staffordshire way of life ’ and complained that its ‘ serenity … has been shattered in recent times ’ by crime .
4 The ancient Penny Hedge ceremony , which dates from feudal times and has been promoted in recent times by the English Tourist Board , takes place in Whitby tomorrow .
5 Much of the research and theory which has informed our educational methodology has been superseded in recent times both in psychology and linguistics .
6 Steve Pope of Dereham , Norfolk , has been concentrating in recent times on improving the radio fit in Sugar and a number of boxes have been found on the shelves at the Museum 's store and restoration facility at Cardington .
7 The cathedral has been enlarged in later times around this chapel which is now a central feature in the architectural mass ( 255 ) .
8 I came to the conclusion that my hunch had been right , but that the ditches must have been dug in mid-Victorian times and the earth piled on the track , putting all the older items out of detecting range .
9 The Ridgeway in Wiltshire and Berkshire may well have been used in prehistoric times , but probably no more so than the line of the A4 across the same counties .
10 It is certainly true that many of the by-roads in an area such as this may well have been used in Roman times though it is difficult to prove .
11 Some caputs can be seen to be the logical successors to Roman and pre-Roman sites , the latter remaining as hillforts which may have been reoccupied in post-Roman times .
12 The calendar we use was developed in Roman times .
13 Every town of importance possessed its theatre most of which had been built in Hellenistic times often carved out of the hillside but fronted by a stage building and proscenium platform .
14 Under Dušan the Serbs had encouraged German miners ( known as Saxons ) from Transylvania to develop the mines of Kosovo , some of which had been worked in Roman times .
15 Other economic achievements of the late eighteenth century were the draining of the marshes in the old lake bed of the Ljubljansko Barje — work which had been started in Roman times and is still not completed — the introduction of maize and potatoes into the crop rotation , the expansion of viticulture and the development of the textile industry .
16 Relatively little of the peat fens had been reclaimed in medieval times .
17 They include Robert Ryman , Donald Judd , Sol LeWitt , Robert Mangold , Dan Graham , Lawrence Weiner ( who has created a new work for Dean Clough , Halifax ) , John Baldessari , Art and Language , Richard Long , Barry Flanagan , Mario Merz , Gerhard Richter and On Kawara , as well as other artists who enjoyed some popularity and recognition twenty-five years ago but whose careers have been ignored in recent times .
18 The most recent has been from the late 1970s through the 1980s , and if we think of those years as one of only four periods of major structural change in nearly two centuries we can appreciate that we have been living in interesting times .
19 We have been living in exciting times and it has needed a strong hand to keep order in the town , where all the disorderly elements tried to take advantage of the situation .
20 Indeed , no major studies of evacuation due to hazards have been undertaken in recent times and this is a widely recognized deficiency which no research funding body seems willing to rectify .
21 The second is by looking at the patterns of coin finds , both those revealed by coins deposited in hoards and those which were casually lost and have been recovered in modern times by chance , by treasure hunting or by archaeological excavation .
22 Several laws have been passed in modern times to restrict dangerous activities and to impose criminal sanctions on citizens who fail to protect themselves against injury — for example , the offences of failing to wear a safety helmet when riding a motor cycle , and failing to wear a safety harness when travelling in the front seat of a car .
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