Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [adv] [adj -er] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If anything , the ignominy heaped on Johnson second time around — not to mention the embarrassment caused to athletics — has been even greater than in Seoul .
2 Ignoring measurements above 50m ( the mixed layer depth ) the mean temperature difference of -0.15°C between 1991 and 1981 shows that cooling has been much greater than since 1962 ( -0.08°C ) .
3 Traditionally , the connection between the police and the party in power locally has been very close , and the susceptibility of the former to the wishes of the latter has been much greater than in Britain .
4 " Spain has managed to maintain those areas much as they have been since the Middle Ages , because industrial development here has been much slower than in other European nations .
5 The range of DUAO obtained was much greater than for any other group ( Fig 4 ) ( maximum value 1.8 , minimum -2.8 , mean ( SD ) 0.04 ( 1.05 ) ) .
6 However , in extracts from RJ2.2.5 , and other MHC class II negative cell lines , such as HeLa , the amount of complex observed was significantly higher than in wild-type Raji cells .
7 And the Government 's disastrous economic figures would have been even worse but for millions of pounds income from North Sea oil and gas .
8 The figure of 49% would have been much higher but for the fact that only one in ten of farmers in Powys and Speyside saw this as a constraint on their future development .
9 Experts believed that the death toll could have been much higher but for the recently installed early warning system which had allowed time for many people to move to safety or to use the 300 concrete cyclone shelters built under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme , run mainly by the Bangladesh Red Crescent .
10 At the same time there was no particular reason why rates in these two West Midland counties should have been materially lower than in the adjoining shires of Warwick and Worcester where wage assessments were not uncommon , while in Devon , which is actually farther from London than Staffordshire , they amounted to 36 per cent of the whole .
11 The application of the " anti-monde " suggests that the surplus would have been significantly greater but for participation in the CU of the EC .
12 The commission charged is usually lower than for advisory and discretionary business .
13 In manufacturing industry where the US decline was sharpest , the rate of profit ( before taxation ) seems to have been significantly higher than in the rest of the ACCs ( 28 per cent over the years 1955–70 as against 23 per cent elsewhere ) .
14 Unit costs in metropolitan authorities have been consistently higher than in the shire counties .
15 A study showed that the level of stress related illness among employees in a department which provided support as described was much lower than in a similar department that did not take such precautions .
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