Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] if [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is reassuring for someone to know that if they jump at shadows or can not sleep after an accident or a crime , it is part of a natural process and that they will get over it .
2 And it 's good to know that if you have to , you can .
3 Whilst we realise that if we belong to a national organisation , there will be some additional cost to individual Institutes .
4 And so to take what we would describe as a reasonable view on this , we say that if you know from evidence there are a number of concealed households , you should seek to accommodate them .
5 ‘ You are a part of it , ’ he interrupted caustically , ‘ whether you like it or not , and at the moment you are the only friend Steve Cannock has and if you feel for him as you so often have claimed to you 'll be at his side when he needs you . ’
6 Or one other word which is to say that sponsorship is enabling because if you go into a partnership like A B S A it enables you to get the gov similar government funding .
7 One MEP has calculated that if you start with £100 in Britain and change this sum successively into each of the Community s eleven currencies , you would only have £50 by the final transaction .
8 then asked that if you know of anyone who should receive flowers from the Society please could you tell .
9 The card you get from the man says that if you get into arrears you have to pay extra interest , but it does n't say how much .
10 I 've accepted that if I open in a play in Lourdes about the life and times of Mother Teresa , the press will write : ‘ Yiddishe Momma in NUN-sense ’ .
11 Er Now a lot of things in Lakehoff 's paper perhaps people have disagreed with since then such as the things about tag questions and hedges erm I mean some studies have said that if you look at the actual modality of tag questions , like we said before , the actual function of it
12 Okay well do n't worry do n't worry he ca n't you know just think of something though having said that if you look at the role that you played in the group moving towards the chairman 's style , taking over the group perhaps becoming and you were n't a person that sort of took over and forced your views on everybody but you were certainly up there at the front with and listening to people taking information and manipulating everything that you had to fit what was coming in from everybody so that does show Chairman 's skills , Chairman tendencies
13 And then you can you know , I mean , technically we have expanded cos if you look in in a couple of years there was me and you doing it was n't there ?
14 He goes look , I 'll write it down on an envelope , I 'll put it in a little envelope and you look at it before you die , but promise me you wo n't look at it before you die cos if you look at it before you die , it 'll happen to you .
15 but I think that 's , before it goes too far that 's the bit you 've got to get together is the police support 'cos if you look at Woodborough and Calverton they 've got a farm watch system in that area , the farmers were very very keen on doing
16 I do believe that if you spend under it , you will be told that you had the money er , for the services and so there 's no use coming back and er , and making representations .
17 Figure 3.1 shows that if we go to bed at the ‘ normal ’ time we sleep about eight hours , a result that most of us would accept as part of our daily experience .
18 People always seem to assume that if you work in a library , you should know all there is to know about books .
19 Erm as I digest Mr 's comments and the various implications erm of the things that he said , it 's more and more confirming for me that perhaps we may well be right in the step by step measured approach because quite clearly erm I suspect that if we run at this stage a preferred location , erm I suspect that the the opposition to that and there would be opposition to it , may well have may well prejudice the principle er of the new settlement .
20 Well I 'd like to buy before my dad go retires , because he 's in the business as you know , he knows exactly what to buy and if I have to , you know , have work done , he has this erm you know , it does everything .
21 Later in the will he provides that if no children are born or if they die within puberty then Mucius and Maevius are to be heirs .
22 In fact , we know that if we get into a confined space with the intention of defying gravity we are running a risk and have decided to tolerate it .
23 Well here we 've got an onshore wind , that 's perfect , because we know that if we get into trouble just get blown back ashore .
24 I know that if we speak of the ‘ rhythm guitarist ’ as such , the image of a second-rate underdog player springs instantly into view , playing a tiresome , subordinate role to a far more experienced ( and inexcusably vain ) lead player .
25 The guys know that if they come in here , if they do cause any problem they get banned from here and they get banned from every other pub in the town .
26 They have all seen the game on TV , they know that if they get to the table they can build big breaks and if you make one mistake they go for your jugular .
27 The selling agent , Ellis ( 01-706 0844 ) , says it can arrange a Swiss mortgage to finance up to 60 per cent of the purchase price of the property — but remember that if you borrow in Swiss francs and the pound falls against the Swiss currency , the amount and cost of your mortgage could rise .
28 They also like things which are quite so if the activity involving chairing a meeting , doing a role play , doing a presentation although they may be nervous they actually enjoy that , they find they gain a lot from that and they also like activities where to an extent there 's a freedom from constraints , policy structures , they do n't like to feel bound because if you think about it a lot of are actually exploring deep end situations trying new things out , they do n't like to feel that constrained .
29 He concluded by saying that if you believe in God you have to find other ways to convince people that He exists , and that was not something to be discussed in this lesson .
30 Note that if you go for the unfiltered system , water changes must be regular .
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