Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he was still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bobo was reaching out with her begging gesture again , and he realised that he was still holding the bananas .
2 She realised that he was still speaking , and she answered vaguely , ‘ Do ?
3 Mr Wilson added that he was still pursuing the wider issues of the case until it became apparent whether the case of Ian X was unique .
4 Huy assumed that he was still working on it .
5 Garland was shaken and he was still making up his mind how to react when the doorbell rang .
6 Bludworth stated that he was still considering whether to bring similar charges against NBC News and the New York Times which also disclosed the name of the woman .
7 When they returned , the Army found the King continuing to hold dilatory discussions with Parliamentary representatives , but his intercepted correspondence showed that he was still trying to stimulate invasions on his behalf from abroad .
8 On July 8 he was quoted in Berne as saying that he was still awaiting a response from opposition groups .
9 It ought to be remembered that he was still forced to wear a truss because of his congenital hernia — no one has speculated on the physiological origins of his need for order and control — and that he was a victim of tachycardia .
10 She had never spent so long taking her clothes off , but when she finally stood alluringly naked she saw that he was still looking at her mouth .
11 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
12 When she put the glass down , she saw that he was still waiting for a reply .
13 However , in an interview from his home in the Army 's Dhaka cantonment on Dec. 9 Ershad insisted that he was still planning to contest the forthcoming parliamentary , and possibly presidential , elections .
14 He had hoped to find him attempting to dress but he was still propped up under the shower , hands against the wall .
15 But , when asked whether he was still looking for a new goalkeeper despite Hitchcock 's form , Porterfield said : ‘ We are always looking to improve our squad of players and we will keep searching . ’
16 Frank was successful in getting the job and was given a company car , an old Morris Minor , omitting to say that he was still learning to drive and wife Betty would always have to accompany him .
17 Yes , life had come , but not as they had dreamed it , as the great liberator from restraint and narrowness , but rather as the great enemy , with which he had to fight , fight as he was still fighting today and must fight until the end , with never the hope of victory !
18 The Colonel explained that he was still waiting for orders , and the General swore like the trooper he had once been and said that a French officer did not need orders when the enemy was in plain sight .
19 I derived a great deal of amusement out of this because he got so carried away , huffing and puffing , and once he unleashed a mighty kick with ‘ Take that , you bastard ’ , sadly forgetting that he was still chained at the time .
20 Moz 's dinner could then be brought into the yard without dumping it over the fence ; and the horse was then led up to this food , caressed a few times , and released while he was still distracted by eating the first few mouthfuls .
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