Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] you give [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm yes three pictures that you might like to sell if you give me a price for them .
2 So he leaves them in a room where the locks open if you give them a threatening look . ’
3 She comes up to the house and starts bellowing , and just will not stop until you give her a cuddle !
4 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
5 The Geophagus will tolerate London tap , but the Crenicara filamentosa and the Rams are doomed unless you give them the right conditions .
6 If you do not keep a dream diary , I strongly recommend that you give it a try .
7 I suppose I should be flattered that you gave me an ‘ A ’ — though I 'd be better pleased if you thought enough of me to send my flowers in person , instead of by remote control .
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