Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] i have [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 Bainbridge has a lovely village green which was the setting for nothing more remarkable than the fact that I arrived there one day to walk over from Bainbridge to Cam Houses with Tony and Eddie , the landlord from my local pub , only to discover that I 'd left my walking boots back at home in Dentdale and had to do the entire walk in a pair of fur-lined cowboy boots , which earned me the nickname of Roy Rogers for the rest of the week .
2 And say that I 've busted my bra strap !
3 It came as a relief at this stage to find that I had got my sums right , and everything met where it ought !
4 When I regained consciousness it was to find that I 'd injured my spine and the doctor had ordered that I was to stay put , otherwise there was the possibility that I 'd end up a cripple .
5 I do n't consider that I 've reached my prime .
6 Voting for Maastricht and hoping that the Tories can be beaten at a later date on the Social Chapter was a decision I found difficult to accept and I have done my homework on this issue .
7 I 've come and I 've took my boots off and poured the bloody rain out .
8 It was becoming dark and I realized that I had lost my way .
9 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
10 It was Jo who first got me to see that I had done my best .
11 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
12 I would not like it to be said that I had had my mother put away . ’
13 Of course it is easy to look back now and say , well , would anyone have noticed if I had left my shoes lying around the changing room instead of buckling them up inside my satchel when I changed into my gym kit for classes with the Butcher ?
14 ‘ What might I not have done if I 'd had my own clubs for the first two rounds ? ’
15 They 'll feel like I 've taken my ball back and spoilt their game .
16 So he s , I said to him is it alright , says am I in danger of coasting if I 've got my foot on the if , if I 'm taking the corner in first and I 'm slipping and I got the clutch , I 'm using the engine but I 've , not much
17 He says : ‘ I 'm not motivated by money , otherwise I would have quit after I 'd made my first eight million dollars , which was enough for me .
18 What should I do when I have reached my target weight ?
19 There is no evidence that I 've finished , I 've finished eating and I 've finished my meal involve different senses of finish , so we must say that complete is a cognitive synonym of finish in only a sub-set of the grammatical occurrences of the latter .
20 I could not believe that I had got my first job .
21 Mr Sugar said : ‘ You should remember that I have devoted my life and energies to Amstrad since the age of 17 .
22 ‘ Now I 've been told that I 've lost my place and I 'm very disappointed . ’
23 I replied that I had watched my television all day when the first man stepped on the moon .
24 there were four people at the last meeting er and two others from the department a male and a female who looked after the bits of the department but I can not now remember what their names were let me just see if I 've got my notes which were written on the inside of a British Airways flight ticket come in , hi ya
25 I point away to you you know that I 've finished my conversation .
26 Er and I , I think I , I should have said if er la you know after I 'd had my own , enjoy your babies while they 're young because they grow up so quickly , whereas before it was a case of , do n't pick them up when they , you know , if they cry leav let them cry .
27 Do I appreciate that I have to lead my group to see the story as symbol ?
28 No because everybody who has it is aware of the fact that you know they 've se known that I 've changed my number before and they know why .
29 Outwardly it must have seemed that I had overcome my emotional difficulties and , apart from the mysterious phenomenon of my continuing thinness , had become a bright , helpful , well-adjusted member of the school .
30 Turning , planing , routing and so on generate vast quantities of shaving , and I have found that I have to empty my 17 litre wet and dry vacuum cleaner at frequent intervals .
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