Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] it is [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Various ways of studying water strongly suggest that it is in a similar category — that is , it is a fluid containing clusters of water polymers of varying sizes which are continually changing and reforming .
2 When a young cat approaches an adult for play , letting it know that it is in a relaxed mood and accepts its subordinate social position .
3 When a sick cat is approached by a dominant one , letting it know that it is in a weak , non-hostile mood .
4 No animal can know that it is in a current unless there is some stationary object , such as a river bank , to serve as a reference point .
5 In fact social life in the evenings will be easier in every way for him to find than it is for a widow , who can not go out alone at night without some feeling of apprehension , and who would generally anyway feel out of place sitting on her own in a saloon bar .
6 If research continues at this pace , stoked as it is by a network of collaborations , these issues should be resolved in months rather than years .
7 ‘ New Eros ’ — carried as it is on an elaborately established sobbing and languorous rhythm , the word ‘ new ’ denies itself .
8 If diagram is the right word , we hope that it is like a set of arrows , or avenues , pointing outwards in some of the many directions an artist interested in photography might explore .
9 To represent the dependence of the world upon God it is a classic error to suggest that it is like a car that requires an initial shove down the street and thereafter runs of its own accord .
10 When you buy the drive ensure that it is in a sealed anti static bag , at least , and that the fitting instructions are supplied .
11 The square has recently been renovated although people complain that it is like a film set and the houses are still crumbling behind their façades .
12 As for my hon. Friend 's other question , I confirm that it is as a result of this Government 's economic policies and the growth achieved over the years that we have secured not only higher public spending but a substantial reduction in direct taxes .
13 This is because they are concerned with clarifying and presenting their own perspective of the issues and an inactive membership has little to express when it is in a passive relationship to others .
14 If the person taking the blood sample is asked for what purpose it is being taken and replies that it is for an HIV antibody test , a person who does not wish an HIV antibody test to be done should expressly say so , and should also ask for this refusal to be entered in their medical records .
15 The pagan counterpart of the eagle 's song may be the death of Aragorn , relegated as it is to an Appendix .
16 It is difficult to accept Gandhi 's argument , based as it is on an evolutionary view of history , that mankind is continually moving in the direction of an utopia where ahi sā will prevail .
17 The ‘ chief executive ’ view , often put forward as a radical set of ideas , is in fact profoundly conservative — based as it is upon a traditional , hierarchical mode of thought .
18 Thus , a lease for less than three years may be validly created on an informal basis , provided that it is for a market , as opposed to a " peppercorn " , rent .
19 And we must not forget that it is to a Public Relations expert that we owe the invention of traditional Irish coffee laced with Irish whiskey , which nobody will deny is a very great improvement on Irish coffee tout court .
20 I mean the one fear surely is that this is n't something which is happening on a , I was going to say a small local area , that 's perhaps exaggerating but it is in a at the moment in a confined locality , we know where it is , it 's not actually here and
21 I ask a simple question to which I know that there is a simple answer , but I still think that it is worth a little time to discover it : why are the Government in such a desperate hurry to get the Bill back to the House on 26 February ?
22 Loss of valuables or money from an unattended vehicle is excluded unless it is from a locked boot .
23 While it is possible that the missionary who baptized in the River Glen was the Briton , Rhun , and that Bede was mistaken when he located Paulinus at Yeavering , the statement about Rhun in the Historia Brittonum , inserted as it is in a somewhat garbled account seemingly extrapolated from the Ecclesiastical History , can not be regarded as undoubtedly signifying this and it is uncertain what weight can be attached to it .
24 So if you buy when the trust is on an offer basis and sell when it is on a bid basis , you will suffer an effective charge of the full spread .
25 Remove the skin and white pith and eat as it is for a simple , refreshing dessert .
26 the company believes that it is in a position to provide a product or service that would satisfy this demand profitably .
27 Such an ambitious Tuscan confection surely deserves a cakestand , assembled as it is on a noble pedestal of rock , its buildings ( mixed plain and fancy ) composed of that porous tufa which looks much like sponge cake and which comes in all the golds , pinks , browns and mauves of the best Battenberg .
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