Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] it [is] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Production has been increasingly globalized , with processes located where it is most advantageous in terms of profit maximization .
2 If we are of a lazier disposition , the solution is simple and usually quite acceptable : if the same note will occur in two or more parts it can be omitted where it is least necessary and retained only in the principal part ( thus in Example 140 we would keep the Eā™­ only in the upper voice , to retain the melodic shape ) .
3 However that may be , we suggest that it is more important to have committed members than representative ones , and in this regard our evaluation of the Coordinating Team is very positive .
4 Some suggest that it is more important to be able to bring political pressure to bear , so that the elected representatives of whatever sex will pass legislation of benefit to women .
5 If the affidavits suggest that it is more likely than not that the defendant would succeed in establishing a statutory immunity that is a weighty factor in favour of refusing to grant an injunction .
6 Tom adds that it is very important for young horses to have their teeth checked before they are bitted and broken ; racehorses usually have their first session at two years-old .
7 I do n't know that it 's terribly clean .
8 Stavanger has a considerable holding of Ingard stock , but he must know that it is largely worthless .
9 But how do we know that it is vocationally advantageous to study history or to put it the other way round , that to study history is not vocationally disadvantageous ?
10 They should also know that it is very important that there must be established in the child 's mind at a very early age a dawning awareness of the fact that for all his life he will be required to submit to control from some source or other .
11 However , it should also be stressed that it is sometimes necessary in the turbulent transitional environment to make quick , dramatic changes in the organization 's character .
12 It should also be stressed that it is perfectly possible to have reservations about , or even to reject , both these schools , and yet to accept that there has indeed been a major shift in the economy and geography of the UK since the mid-1960s !
13 The uses for speech synthesis are so varied that it is almost impossible to list them .
14 The belief that different treatment methods are needed for and tried on different populations of sufferers does not stand up to critical examination : the stories of those in recovery from addictive disease through the Anonymous Fellowships are so immensely varied that it is quite clear that this population has not been selected in any way .
15 The shareholders enjoy an additional layer of protection with regard to gratuitous payments , in that in order to show that a payment is authorised by the company 's memorandum it will usually be necessary to establish that it is reasonably incidental to the company 's business purposes , in essence , that it is for the company 's benefit , which is an objective question .
16 The legislation does therefore not set up any presumption in the employee 's favour ; rather it is for him as claimant to lead evidence which tends to establish that it is more likely than not the employer gained from possession of the patent .
17 Before the polys uncork the champagne , it should be added that it is always dangerous to infer a trend from one year 's figures .
18 Thank You'-You are about to deflate the small plastic paddling pool in the garden in which no infant has paddled for a month until you realise that it is now full of strange vegetation and even stranger swimming insects and you decide to keep it as a nature reserve .
19 In some cases land has become so degraded that it is agriculturally worthless .
20 Say that it 's quite nippy , and jolly safe when overtaking .
21 The debate will take place today and tomorrow behind closed doors , but party insiders say that it is very unlikely that Mr Mugabe will face serious opposition .
22 I simply say that it is fairly obvious that Britain could have taken the lead in clean coal technology .
23 So let us look at the present day , and to take this wording , do you consider that it is now appropriate that Skelton should expand any further ?
24 It 's so bright and sunny out there you forget that it 's so cold as well .
25 There is nothing on the face of section 76(2) ( b ) to indicate that it is exclusively concerned with confessions obtained by police misconduct .
26 Looks like it 's very inhabitable .
27 This is possible using RR or Rover SD1 solenoids but as a kit is not available a great deal of experimentation is required to get the system to work and it is virtually impossible to fit to rear door .
28 Unfortunately it 's said you communicate less with your wives , I do n't know if it 's exactly true , but if somebody says to you , you never talk to me , you do n't tell me anything , that 's your A type behaviour .
29 ā€˜ All these things recently , I do n't know if it 's just bad luck or me being stupid or what . ā€™
30 This is why it is better to see a doctor when you first feel unwell rather than wait until it is so bad that you have to go to hospital .
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